The battle.

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He's in danger.

Alvena bolted up after hearing the angelic voice in her head, she knew who it was, Lady Galadriel. But who was in danger? 

Suddenly Alvena looked down and saw Legolas was gone. "Shire!" she cursed as she stood up and started looking for him and not too far she saw him washing his hair. She then jumped down from the cottage and shouted "Ahha! So your hair isn't as perfect as it looks like!" (Nah! It's always perfect) Legolas turned his head and smiled at the red head elleth. "Good morning to you too." he replied. 

"What happened while I was out?" Alvena asked as she looked up to the sky and saw-- Wait! She looked at Lake Town that stood in the distance it was in ruins, smoke was rising in the air and houses were scattered. "What happened?" she asked again with much sadness in her voice and eyes.

Legolas frowned and said "That wasn't thunder last night. Smaug invaded Lake Town tearing it to shreds and just simply burning it down." Alvena ran to Legolas and asked. "So everyone is dead?" Her heart ached at the sight of a roasted Bilbo. 

"No, someone killed Smaug." he said. Alvena let out a sigh of relief "But we must make our way to Erebor, my father and Kin are there." he said. Alvena nodded but as she was gonna retreat to the cottage she heard Lady Galadriel's voice again

You must help him Princess, he is in danger. I'll meet you there.

"Legolas, you go on ahead to Erebor I need to go somewhere." Alvena said as she put her cloak on and slid her sword and bow on along with her quiver of arrows. Legolas frowned again and asked "Where are you going?" 

"Lady Galadriel is telling me someone is in danger and it must be important." she said as she started walking to who knows where. 

"You want me to accompany you?" he asked. Alvena stopped, she loved being in Legolas' presence. She felt calm and safe but she needed to do this alone. "No, Your kin needs you." she replied as she turned around to face the elven prince. 

"Then be safe, mellon." he said as he put his hand on his heart and bowed but instead of Alvena doing the same she approached him and threw her arms around his neck and whispered "Thank you for helping me... mellon." 

Legolas awkwardly returned the hug and whispered "Thank you for healing me if it wasn't for you I would have succumb to my wounds." They pulled away and stared into each others eyes but then Alvena looked away awkwardly and said "Take care." As she turned around and started walking again.

He is in Dul Guldur. Go to Beorn he shall help you.

She ran and sometimes she would run into some spiders which she fought off very well and by night time she arrived tired and breathless at Beorn's warm home. Alvena couldn't run anymore as she stumbled inside his gate and fell on the floor right before she could reach the door. 

"Princess Alvena what are you doing here?" the gruff voice asked. Alvena looked up from the floor and said "I... *pants*  need your... help." she said as her throat was dry. Beorn helped her up and gave her a huge glass of water. 

"What it is that you need my help with?" he asked with eyes looking like he could beat anybody up by just staring at them. "Lady Galadriel." Alvena began to say but was still out of breath. 

"Ah, Lady of Light." Beorn said as his eyes twinkled like he remembered a lovely memory.

"She told me that someone is in danger and she told me to ask for your help since I do not know where Dul Guldur is." she said, by the mention of 'Dul Guldur' Beorn flinched but then he said "I'll take you there but as we reach the gates of Dul Guldur you are on your own. I am sorry for I cannot enter that place." Alvena's hope lessened as she realized she would be entering an unknown place not knowing what lies inside and looking for someone who she may or may not know. Beorn's eyes filled with worry if the young red head elleth could survive to enter such a place. "Let's go." 

Secrets From Within [Legolas FanFic again] #Wattys2015Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora