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        Alvena kept running through the forest and as she thought it was all right to break down she shrugged her cloak off and pounced at the ground. She started seeing flashes of fire but no fire was around her. "What's happening to me?" she had all these frustrations building up in her but she did not know what she is frustrated about. She was angry, sad, and frustrated all together. 

She curled up on the dirt ground not caring if her clothes got dirty. She was a Hobbit. "An unusual Hobbit." she said to herself as she focused on controlling the fire that still stirred in her. Like a ragging fire. Tears ran down her face uncontrollably. Rain started pouring from the sky and as a single drop hit Alvena, it would make her skin sizzle. She screamed out in agony it felt like the rain was putting out the fire. "What's happening to me?" she shouted as she cried, more rain drops started to pour making her tremble in pain.

Suddenly the pain of the rain stopped and a voice came out of nowhere "The fire is consuming you." Alvena's bright red eyes scanned her surroundings for the source of the voice but to only be met with a bright light. "You need to fight it." the bright light said and Alvena croaked "How?" The bright light dimmed revealing itself.


"Fight harder." he said as he gripped his staff tightly. "Look from within, find who you are... are you a hobbit or Elven folk? Are you in love with Legolas or are you in love with Sauron? Find who you are!" Gandalf said strictly trying his best to help Alvena. Alvena shut her eyes tightly trying to focus on controlling the fire only to make the fire from within her burst even bigger making it harder.

"I can't." Alvena cried out, "You aren't trying hard enough!" Gandalf scolded her only to be met by Alvena's sobs. "Think of something or someone that you can hold on to for the rest of your life." Gandalf encouraged but a lot of people went through Alvena's mind. Who? So she let out a determined breath and closed her eyes as she focused on memories.

Memories with Legolas, the first time she met him when he held an arrow to her face. The time when he visited her in the dungeon. Their first kiss. All the moments they had fighting together and lastly the most cherished memory was when she saw him in Rivendell.

 Memories with Frodo, the first time she saw Frodo when he was just a wee baby bawling his eyes out, the nights where she and Frodo would tell tales of adventure, chasing the boars and being chased by boars, and her most cherished memory is Frodo's birthday where they danced all night.

 Memories Sam, Merry, and Pippin, when the three of them would tell each other dares and get in trouble together. When they would mess with the Sack-ville-Bagginses and get away with it. Her most cherished memory with her silly often hungry friends is during Bilbo's birthday when Merry and Pippin got in trouble with the fire works and Sam went to dance with Rosie.

 Memories with Gandalf, the first time she met Gandalf when he offered an adventure. The time he came back to the Shire to celebrate Bilbo's birthday, the time he told stories about her home but her most cherished memory with Gandalf was when he would set the fireworks on fire it's because he would have this certain twinkle in his eye that she would never forget.

And most of all memories with someone who she loves the most, Bilbo, her dearest brother that she grew up with. Both little halflings chasing dragonflies, getting chased by boars, growing and doing everything together, their adventure together with the dwarves of Erebor, the times she would see him alive during the adventure but her most cherished memory... that was cherished among all the others... that if she were to choose one memory that could play over and over again, it would be the time they both agreed on going on the adventure that both of the sprinted across the Shire.

 Alvena's eyes snapped open and the pain that was there a while ago vanished like it never happened. "How are you feeling?" Gandalf asked and even though Alvena heard him loud and clear still her gaze was straight ahead. Alvena's eyes were back to normal and she was determine to end this once and for all.

Secrets From Within [Legolas FanFic again] #Wattys2015حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن