Help - Sterek

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Ship: Derek/Stiles

Summary: Help is the only word Derek gets in the text from Stiles, and Derek is off to save Stiles from whatever is trying to kill him...

Warnings: Smut, crack, more smut, the gay, bad written smut

Word count: 1998 (the year I was born ha ha ha ha ha ha)

I found this prompt on Tumblr and I thought it was fuckin'  hilarious. 

So, yeah, I thought I could write it.

So that's what I'm going to attempt. 

Also, hello, it's smut. 

Who doesn't want smut?

Like, this is going to be great.

Or not.

We don't know about that yet.

But I'll try to make it great.

I'm going to shut up and write now.


Love you!

Xx - L

P.S. leave your requests here :)


From Stiles: help

Derek stared at his phone, willing his heart to not jump out of his chest because it definitely felt like it was about to. He had never felt it beat this fast- well, technically he had. There was this one time where he had climbed up to Stiles' window to talk to him about some teenage things (things that were bothering Stiles way too much because they were obviously just normal things that bothered all teenage humans and probably also supernatural beings) that had been bothering Stiles way too much lately when Derek caught him doing some other teenage things, things that he rather not describe with too much detail right now because if he was going to think about the way Stiles was moaning out so fucking deliciously he was going to be too distracted to even go over to Stiles who apparently needed his "help". But anyways, that whole thing was besides the point of this story. Stiles needed his help, and even though Derek's heart had decided to give Derek an idea of what a heart attack would feel like, he was going to give him that help. Because he was a good friend, a very good friend who also kind of jerked off on the rooftop of his friend's house because said friend had been jerking off at that moment and- yeah, yeah he was going to need to shut his mind down before he would be too hard to even consider walking over to Stiles.

Having a rock hard dick made things harder than you thought. 


Derek quickly got up from the couch he had been sitting on, throwing the book he had been reading (no, he wasn't a nerd like Stiles still told him he was. He just liked reading, so what? He still could kick anyone's ass in two seconds) onto it before he rushed to the door, grabbing his coat and pulling it on. He was going to save Stiles from whatever was trying to kill him this time, and maybe Stiles would even reward him for it in a way that would have little Derek very happy and excited.

Again, thinking about anything like this was definitely not going to help him or help him help Stiles. Which is why he needed to shut up and think about his friend being killed and ripped apart and eaten by something. That definitely helped with getting his flagpole down a few notches. Really, thinking of bloody ripped off parts of bodies didn't really do anything for Derek, no matter how much you might think it did. He had seen a whole lot of gore in his life, and never once had it turned him on- Sure, the sight of Stiles panting with bruises on his face and sweat and a little bit of blood making his skin shine and look paler, well, that was something that did things to Derek that he didn't even want to think about. But, honestly, he felt like no one could really blame him for that. Who wouldn't be turned on by the sight of him looking like that?

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