Cuddle Me Bitch - Sciles

954 22 14

Requested by: YourYodaStilesIs

Ship: Stiles/Scott

Summary: "Because it's mine, and so are you."

Warnings: Nothing really, just kinda a bit of crack.

Word count: 2100

I promised to do a fluffy version of the request I had gotten at my other account, so here it is. 

It will be fluffy and slightly cracky (not the drug kind of thing but the funny kind of thing), and with that I mean that I will try to make it funny 'cause you all know that I'm not hilarious, but let's pretend for this whole one shot that I actually am hilarious. 


Anyways, I hope you have fun reading! 

Love you!

Xx - L

P.S.: leave your requests here :)


You know that moment you're being carried (literally carried, like, fireman style carried like you're some kind of fucking drunken baby- and Stiles wasn't even that drunk so this was completely unnecessary) out of a club by a pissed off and jealous boyfriend? Hopefully not, because then you wouldn't have to deal with the aftermath of some completely innocent flirting out of which Stiles just wanted to get a free drink because, why the hell would you pay for your drinks if you could also get your drinks for free by just using a few of your charms? But, yeah, Stiles did know that moment, sadly. Well, sometimes it wasn't exactly sadly and more of fuckyeahScottgetyourdickinsideofme, but that wasn't the point right now. The point was that Scott didn't get to jealously-fireman-carry him out of a club while he didn't even get to drink his fucking free drink yet. Unfair, oh so very unfair. But yeah, you can be the judge of that because today I present to you: the story of how Stiles got a very sore ass- well, not a sore ass, but more like 'the story of how Stiles got squished (some people call it cuddling) pretty much to death. Not that he minded, but whatever. Anyways, here is the story of the squishing.



"So, you come here often?" Stiles' left eyelid twitched a little at the mention of one of the world's most over-used pickup lines, but (after repeatedly telling himself 'free drinks, free drinks') he smiled anyways, shaking his head slowly after telling the guy 'no'. "Thought so, I haven't seen you here before. I would have remembered a pretty face like yours." And you had to give Stiles credit for staying where he was, because, well, this guy was horrible at flirting. This guy had probably gotten all of his flirting from 'the book of the most used pickup lines of all time' or something, because he was just burning Stiles' brain out- he was lucky he had a fucking gorgeous face. 

"Oh, yeah, I'm not from around here," Stiles lied smoothly, knowing from experience that it's better to not tell strangers where you lived- he was lucky that his father was the sheriff and that he pretty much had threatened all of the stalkers that had followed Stiles home, and apparently even large, hairy men didn't like to have shotguns shoved into their noses. Stiles couldn't really blame them for that, though. "I'm on a trip with a few of my friends. We wanted to take a break from being in the uh, the car the entire time."

"Oh, yeah, I know the feeling, trust me," The guy nodded, a smile forming on his plump lips while he held out his hand for Stiles to shake. "Name's Dean, nice to meet ya."

"I'm Stiles," Stiles said, making the Dean guy raise one of his eyebrows, but his smile didn't leave his lips. Which probably meant that, yeah, Dean thought that Stiles' name was weird, but, well, he didn't look like a guy who was going to leave him just for him having a slightly strange name. Which was good, because Stiles was getting thirsty. "Likewise."

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