Freedom Is A Powerful Thing

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Credit to TheFullmetalAlfred again for helping me write this story (yeah I'm serious this is gonna be on every chapter!)


What Happens At The Bar Stays At England's House

Chapter 4:

Freedom Is A Powerful Thing


America jumped out of the UFO, stumbling slightly as he tried to handle his slight drunkenness the weight of England over his shoulder. "Thanks, Tony, my man!" he cried enthusiastically.

"Fuck it! Bitchin'!"

"Bye!" America waved at his alien friend as his ship vanished into the night. As he carried England up to his front door, the bushy-browed nation slurred out,

"That was bloody amazing! We were flying like airplanes but we weren't in airplanes going neeooo like wheeee and it was fucking amazing! Can I use your sci-fi technology to build the TARDIS?"

"Dude," America said. "What the fuck is a TARDIS?" England stared at him with an offended look and shouted,

"TH'DOCTAH'S WIBBLEE WOBBLEE TIME MASHEEN!" Then he burst into a fit of drunken giggles at America's baffled expression.

"I have like, zilch idea what you're talkin' at me, bro, so ask me again when you're less…" He searched for the right word. "Drunk."

"SPEAK PROPER ENGLISH, GIT!" England wailed. "And I'm not drunk! You're drunk, you…! You…!" America pulled him off his shoulder and held him up by the armpits, watching as he stared and tried to find an appropriate insult.

"You… boop." As he booped, England reached out and poked the taller nation's nose lightly. He giggled again like the drunken retard he was. "Did you just freaking boop me on the nose?" America asked.

"Yah!" England grinned. America gave him a look, and then set him down. "

Okay. I need you to open the door." England shoved his hand in his pocket, rummaging around for his keys and humming. Sleepily, his eyes drifted closed and he collapsed onto his knees. America glared at him exasperatedly.

"Really, England?" As if in response, England raised his hand and grabbed the key, trying to turn it but failing epically. America sighed and opened the door for him. It appeared that England had fallen asleep on his knees, so America grabbed him and threw him back over his shoulder. He strode down the hall to the living room and laid the other nation on the couch, propping his head up on a pillow (which was unsurprisingly printed with the Union Jack). America sat down next to him, letting out a sigh. He pulled out a bottle of vodka and chugged it down before realising what it was and cursing himself for drinking the signature drink of the country of ANTI-FREEDOM! He opened the window and threw the empty bottle out, wailing,

"Damn you Commies! I will turn your land into FREE WORLD IN FREEDOM LAND DO WHAT THE HELL I WANT 'MURICAH because I AM THE FREAKING HERO!" As if in response, it started raining on his head.

"DAMN BRITISH WEATHER!" In a strange and rare display of intelligence, America pulled his head out of the rain and even closed the window too. He thumped back down onto the sofa, scowling. He glanced at England, who was snoring loudly. The 'hero' looked closely at his fellow nation, squinting and moving his glasses around as everything seemed a little blurry.

"Huh…" He smiled dorkily. "England has pretty eyebrows…" Suddenly, England gave a hacking cough and started to choke randomly because FREEDOM is a powerful thing.

"AAAAH!" America started to freak out.

"HOLY SHIT! What do I do?!" He grabbed England's shoulder and rolled him onto his side, panicking.

"England! England! What's wrong?!" In response, England stopped breathing altogether. Smashed from the alcohol, America began full-on freaking out, shaking his ally's shoulder and starting to bawl.

"Don't die on me, dude! Please don't die! England!" There was a shining light in the middle of a room and a fairy princess he couldn't see appeared out of nowhere, surrounded by a golden glow of shinies and ducks.

"England!" proclaimed Le Wild Magical Princess of Fluffy Duck Death.

"I have returned from my holiday in—OH MY DUCKING GOD HE'S DYING!" The fairy princess pulled out a magical wand with a duck on top and pointed it at the roof, chanting,

"Oh, Mighty Extreme Fuzzy Duck Warrior of the Meadow Rainbow Ponds from Atlantis! Please grant me the ultimate power of bringing back deceased nations! In return I will give you twenty of my Fluffy Shiny Fuzzy Ultimate Craze Go Go Quack Boing Duck Stickers from my Fluffy Shiny Fuzzy Ultimate Craze Go Go Quack Boing Duck Sticker Collection!" Her ducky wand glowed a bright gold as she tapped it to the dead England's forehead, effectively reviving him.

"Oh, hello Princess Peach," England said in his heavy English accent, perfectly sober.

"Thank you for that! What would I ever do without you?" America watched his formerly deceased ally talking to a shining golden bubble of ducks with a blank expression.

"You would do nothing because you would be dead," Peach pointed out. England blinked like a fish.

"Just kidding," the princess said.

"I also cured your drunkenness, so you're sober now. Yay, no hangovers! Your friend's still drunk, but he's fine. Don't worry about him. Anyway, goodbye England! See you soon!"

"Goodbye, your highness!" England bowed at the glowing duck bubble before realizing that America was still sitting in the room and looking downright and absolutely full-on blank.

"I-I can explain!" he exclaimed.

"'Sokay," America replied.

"You do this a lot. I'm used to your crazy bullshit now." The pair sat in awkward silence.

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