England And America Plan Their Night Out

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Hello everyone and welcome to my first ever fanficton! Before I explain what it's about I would like to credit my friend TheFullmetalAlfred for helping me to write it, come up with ideas, and just helping me with everything! If it wasn't for her this Fanfiction wouldn't be here. I would also like to state that there's quite a bit of swearing in this story so you have been warned!

England and America are catching up for the night but they don't have anything planned. America comes up with the brilliant idea of going to the bar! Of course we all know what happens when England gets drunk, he's out of control! A few drinks and a few hours later, England finds himself in a very awkward situation that he most certainty doesn't want to be in, but on the other hand America does. How will England get out of this situation without losing his innocence? What crazy adventures will drunk America and England get up to?


What Happens At The Bar Stays At England's House

Chapter 1:

England and America Plan Their Night Out


Bing-bong! England glanced up from his newspaper and looked in the direction of the hallway upon hearing the doorbell, letting out a sigh. How had he ended up inviting this oaf to his house? Never mind that, how had he even ended up allowing him into his country?

Bing-bong! Bing-bong! He sighed again and rose to his feet, straightening out his green jumper and making his way down the hallway. Bing-bong! Bingbongbingbongbingbongbingbon— "Alright, you prat, I'm coming already!" England barked, wrenching the door open with a glare at the beaming American who awaited. "Dude!" he exclaimed, a dumbly oblivious expression on his grinning face.

"Is it a thing in this country to leave a bro waiting on the doorstep for an hour?"

"It wasn't an hour," England corrected, his ridiculous eyebrows knotting as he glared. "And stop beaming at me like that, it makes you look like an air-head!"

"Ahahaha!" America laughed, his grin widening to Italy-level stupidity. "Don't be like that, dude! We're supposed to be having some fun!" England kept his glare on full blast the whole way down the corridor and the pair went down to the living room, a large and airy room decorated with many pictures, most of strange creatures dancing in enchanted forests and scones which probably weren't of England's creation. The floor was covered with a fluffy rug printed with the Union Jack, matching pillows resting on the long white sofa that spanned one wall, and a huge television hung on the opposite wall. America wasted no time in making himself comfortable, dropping onto said sofa only to proclaim at the top of his lungs a moment later,

"England, I'm bored! Let's do something fun!"

"'Fun'?" England echoed. "What do you mean, 'fun'? What sort of fun?"

"You know," America whined, pouting. "Fun!"

"No…" England replied, staring blandly at the other nation. "I don't." America laughed again, winking suggestively.

"Sure ya do!" England shot America a look from where he stood in the doorway.

"Are you suggesting that we go to the bar and drink…" He shuddered, recalling the last event involving the pair and drinking. "…alcohol?"

"Yeah, dude!" America exclaimed, his loud voice blasting the room. "It's gonna be so much fun! And maybe you've improved your drinking problem!" England looked skeptically out the window.

"Maybe…" America sat up straight, his crumpled brown jacket straightening. He turned his bright blue eyes on England, as if searching into his soul and beyond.

"Please!" England didn't falter.

"Give me one good reason why I should go out drinking with you, wake up the next day with a pounding headache and you still here, and not even be able to remember anything!"

"Because…" America seemed to be racking his brains for an appropriate argument. He frowned before a lightbulb nearly appeared over his head and he proclaimed,

"I'm the hero!" England grit his teeth, unimpressed with himself for having raised such an idiotic git. He thought hard about the consequences of such an outing, about what the other nations would think if he threw another tantrum like last time, what would happen if France the Frog found out, what would happen to the reputation of his country…

"Fuck you, let's go," he said eventually.

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