Chapter 6

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it turned out that Jared and amber were brother and sister and they had been born wolves and that their parents had died "but you look nothing like him" I said as she told me about herself

"I know we used to be a lot alike in personality but not after mum and dad died" she said with a dark look in her eyes "he changed a lot he became savage and nasty until he met Jane he became very close to her and seemed to go back to normal but not quiet when he was close to recovering you came and we all know who Jane prefered" she said pausing to look at me "you ok" she asked

"yeah" I said "that explains why he punched me"

"not exactly" she said looking down with a guilty look on her face

"what was it then" I asked

"they were actually dating when she kissed you" she said my thoughts started wildly unable to control my thoughts I tried to stop thinking about them not letting them enter my mind but just making maters worse

"are you ok nick" she asked I just nodded

"I'm very sorry" I said "I had no idea"

"that's ok when Jared came hear telling us what you had done we were shocked we never ever expected Jane to do that" she said I laid down in the grass

"we don't have to train today if you don't want to" she said

"no it's ok" I said getting up and changing form "it'll keep my mind off of things"

"ok" she said" if you'r sure" changing form into a small black wolf with white markings under the eyes and two streaks that start at the ears and go all the way down her back exact same to jareds only opposite colours "yin and yang" I thought aloud

"yep that's me and Jared" she said gleefully we ran at each other and play fought we did that for an hour and ended in a draw cause we were both evenly matched we ended up lying on the ground panting when we heard running then a small white wolf the same as amber only opposite colours ran to fast for me to get up and pinned me "leave my sister alone" he growled

"we were training" amber yelled at him "so leave him alone" he looked back at her I struggled to try and get away but failed "this basterd took Jane from me I won't let him take you to" he growled

"no he's not going to take me away from you your going to push me away" she growled her hair raising with anger "I'm sorry" I said surprising them "I didn't realize you and Jane were dating had I known I never would have kissed her" Jared looked at me unsure of what to do i had no idea what he was going to do next as i hoped he backed off slowly then he jumped over my head "arrrrggggggghhhhhh" i screamed in pain as he ripped at my hair "what are you a girl" i said not thinking about it first "thats enough jared" yelled amber it scared me you could hear the growl in her voice as jared dragged me along the ground amber ran after us "jared" she screamed "i'll never speak to you again" he stopped but refused to let go of my hair "let go of

him" she growled he dropped me i got up quickly hurrying to the small black wolfs side rubbing the back of my head "what were thinking" she barked

'i dont want to loose you" he said "he's taken everyone from me"

"what about that bitch of a girlfriend daniece" she said i felt a pang of guilt

"he killed her" he screamed "or didnt he tell you" i looked down at my feet

"no" she whispered as she changed form and looked up at me "tell me he's lying nick"

"i'm not lying" he said "he ripped her throat out for no good reason" i was furious no good reason there was a bloody good reason to rip her throat out "she killed jane or didnt she tell you she ripped her throat out" i yelled maliciously jared looked shock "in the fight a couple days ago after i passed out there was no one to

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