Everybody Hates Meetings

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It's late afternoon and I am so ready for the day to be over. It's not meant to be though, I have another meeting to go to. I can't believe I thought meetings would be cool when I was a kid. I wish I could go back in time and punch myself. I sigh and shake my head, slumping into my office chair. I rub my temples, trying to ease back my growing headache. I'm up to my eyeballs in meetings, my life has become one big meeting. You'd think owning as many companies as I do I could say no and delegate them to someone else. Oh no no no. They just get longer and the number of pompous old snobs grows larger the more "important" you are.
"Sir? I called for your usual to be brought to you during your last meeting. I figured you could use a pick-me-up, dear." My secretary, Mary, says peeking in the door with a motherly smile. I can't help but smile back. She's my 'work mom ' and I have no idea what I would do without her. She is also one of my pack members. Her husband/mate of 40 years died a couple years ago. She was a wreck and needed something to keep her busy. So, I offered her a job as my secretary and she has been a godsend.

I stand up slowly with another big sigh. Last one, then I can do what I want. I grab the file and thumb through it. I will end up with the company, I know it. I walk into the conference room 15 minutes early, and sit down. I smirk. I know it irks the old men that I am always first to every meeting. They slowly trickle in. We finally start the meeting ten minutes late because three of them couldn't bother to show up on time. My mood from earlier has worsened and I've completely tuned out the meeting. I am just about to stand up and walk out when the door slams open and a girl trips into the room, barely catching herself on the table.
"Oh! I'm so sorry! I'm so clumsy. " she says, hastily straightening the drink carrier she was holding. I stand up and my breath catches in my chest when her eyes flick to me. She blushes and glances down, fiddling with her dress.

She is stunning. Her reddish brown hair is in a tight bun and her red glasses make her blue eyes look even bigger and more adorable. She's in a beautiful, floral , 50s style dress and heels. She notices where I'm looking and gives a tiny laugh.
"These things are dangerous, I should have worn flats." One of the other men clears his throats making her jump and almost fall again but she rights herself before I can catch her. I glare at the man so hard I'm surprised he doesn't go up in flames. She blushes even more. " I'm sorry, you're in the middle of something. She picks up a huge milkshake and hands it to me with a small grin and moves away quickly. She hands the other men their coffee, then turns about to walk out.
"Uh, w-wait! Wh-who are you? What's your name?" I stutter out frantically, hoping she'll answer me. She smiles sweetly at me, her hand on the doorknob.
"I'm Dot. I'm an intern. " she walks out quickly and shuts the door behind her.

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