Run Away (Thomas Jefferson x Reader)

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[Modernish! AU] (like 1900s?)
WARNING: cursing, mentions of abuse, mentions of wounds/self harm, fighting, negative thoughts
Word Count: 1232

   "Oh Y/N~!" chirped the sickly-sweet voice of your boyfriend as he entered his apartment.

   Run, you thought, it immediately being your first instinct. That's all you've ever wanted to do. You wanted to run away; run away from your boyfriend who tortured, mocked, and abused you constantly. You have been living under these conditions for years now, and the scars and bruises were apparent all over your body.

So, finally fed up with all of the crap you'd been through, you ran. You bolted past your boyfriend with nothing the clothes on your back and some money you had stolen from the safe. You went out the door and down the many flights of stairs in your apartment building.

"Y/N!" the angry voice of your boyfri- no, tormentor- called from somewhere behind you, making you only speed up your pace.

Finally, you made it to the sidewalk. Taking a left, you sprinted away from your old life. You ran for what seemed like hours but in actuality was only a few minutes. Rounding a corner, you slammed into a rather tall man. You stumbled back, landing on the ground with a thud. "I-I-"

"Can it." the man said, glaring down at you. His gaze was full of disgust, his eyes screaming out in pure hatred. You felt lower than you ever had, knowing you had to take this like the piece of trash you were. "Get up and go away, bitch."

You scrambled to your feet and ran, your knees bleeding as a result of scrapes from the concrete sidewalk. You felt your backside bruising and your whole body ached, but you kept on moving.

Thomas' POV

"Get up and go away, bitch." Thomas snarled at the poor-looking person on their knees below him. Their hair was a mess and their clothes disheveled. Scars and bruises were littered all over their body, the red lines being the most apparent on their wrists. Dirt was smudged on their cheek and their knees were visibly bleeding, but Thomas paid no attention to that. He had a cabinet meeting with Hamilton to get to.

   As the young person ran past him, Thomas noticed a man who seemed to be on the chase for the youngling that had just collided with him. Run away...?

   "Y/N YOU LITTLE BITCH GET BACK HERE!" the guy yelled, shoving Thomas out of the way and sprinting after you.

   Holy shit, is that why they were running? Thomas watched as the two figures slowly started to become smudges in the distance. I shouldn't worry about this, right? I have to disown Hamilton. But as he watched, he felt the pang of guilt gnawing at his heart.

   I have to help them.

   So he took off running, his feet barely even touching the ground. He caught up fairly quickly, seeing as he had been standing there for only a few seconds. Thank god for staying in shape. I bet Hamilton couldn't beat me.

   When he caught up, you were on the ground as the man hovered over you. The man was fuming, fists and jaws clenched tight. You looked like you were on the verge of tears.

   So, naturally, Thomas punched the guy in the jaw.

Your POV

   You watched in shock as the man you had run into earlier punched your ex-boyfriend, which sent him flying into a tree nearby.

   The man, who was wearing a peculiar magenta suit, held a hand out to you, an urgent look on his face. "C'mon, we need to get out of here."

   You were wary to trust him, especially since he called you a bitch. But you had nowhere else to go, so you grabbed his hand.

   He pulled you up, taking off down the road the way he had come. When your pace started to slow, he muttered a curse and swept you up into his arms, maintaining the same pace he had been in the whole time. Your face was bright red from blushing and running.

Before you knew it, you were whisked inside of a rather large house by the stranger. He set you down on the counter of the master bath upstairs, looking through cabinets to find the first aid kit.

"Sally!" he called. A young girl, probably about fourteen, ran in. "Find the first aid kit. When you have, hand it to me and send someone to call and tell President Washington I got caught up. Tell him I'll be late."

The girl nodded, grabbing a stool and grabbing the first aid kit from a nearby cabinet. She handed it to the man before running out. A slave? How disgusting, you thought.

The man set the first aid kit beside you, grabbing the necessary supplies. "This may hurt, alright?"

   You eyed him. "How do I know I can trust you? You threw me out at first."

   He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I took pity. Look, I don't have time for this. Are you gonna let me help you or not?"

   "Fine." You sighed, tensing up as he brought a wet cloth to your face.

"I'm not gonna hurt you. At least, I won't try to," he said, dabbing at little scrapes on your face. You winced as the cloth brushed over a bruise from a slap. "Sorry. How'd you even get all of these wounds anyway?"

"I..." you trailed off, hesitating. You would basically be telling a stranger your life story from the past two years. "It's a long story."

   "Well, we've got time," he says, dabbing at one of my knees. "By the way, I'm Thomas."

   "Y/N." You gripped the edge of the counter as he cleaned your wounds, gritting your teeth. You started to explain how you ended up like this, unknowingly going into detail before you could stop your mouth. By the time Thomas was finished helping you and your rant was over, you were in tears. You buried your face in your hands, embarrassed as you let out weak little sobs. That's all I am. Weak.

   "Hey, look at me," Thomas said. He had been quiet during your whole story, and you were somewhat grateful for that.

Sniffing, you hesitantly looked up at him, tears cascading down your cheeks. Thomas cupped your cheek gently, biting his bottom lip nervously. "M-May I hug you?" he asked, not wanting to overstep boundaries. You replied by flinging your arms over his shoulder, pulling him to you and crying into his chest. Your body heaved with sobs, and Thomas wrapped his arms around you protectively, whispering comforting words into your ear. "Shh..."

Once you had finally calmed down, you pulled away and wipes your face, embarrassed. Thomas checked his watch, tapping his foot impatiently. "Listen, I have to go." He paused for a moment, seeming thoughtful. "Y/N, would you like to join me in going to my meeting? I'm debating with a colleague of mine."

You looked up at him, and he was staring right back at you. After weighing your options, you nodded. Thomas smiled and grabbed your hand gently, helping you off of the counter and placing a gentle kiss on it. He didn't let go, however. Thomas picked up his briefcase and led you downstairs. The two of you walked hand-in-hand to his meeting, a smile gracing both of your faces.

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