Striking Purple (Thomas Jefferson x Reader)

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[Soulmate! AU]
•AU: When you're born, you see the world in shades of black and white. When you meet your soulmate, colors return to your vision. When you or your soulmate dies, the color goes away.•
WARNING: lots of cringe, cliché crap
Word Count: 757

   You sighed as you walked down the street to your home in Virginia. Still no luck. You had been going out more often lately in hopes of seeing colors, but it was to no avail.

Your friends, one by the name of Margarita Schuyler, or as she liked to be called, Peggy, had told you about colors. They said that colors were beautiful and vibrant, and that some shades were hard to look away from. Apparently, it was truly a sight to see.

You desperately wanted to be able to live in a world full of color- red an pink roses, blue skies, green grass, E/C eyes and F/C dresses. Black and white and gray had grown to be quite boring, and the fact that all of your friends had met their soulmates made you jealous.

You wondered if soulmates were actually real things. People could always be lying, but you never really know. All of your friends had met their soulmates- so why hadn't you met yours? That didn't seem fair to you.

Maybe it's because they don't live in America. Maybe it's because people avoid you because of your intimidating gaze. Maybe it's because people always seem to think you're taken. Maybe it's because you don't have one.

That couldn't be true, could it? Everyone, if the saying about soulmates is true, should have a soulmate, shouldn't they? That wouldn't make sense if it were true. That would be pure torture to make a person live out their life searching for their non-existent love.

You were so caught up in your thoughts that you didn't notice the man walking down the street in the opposite direction you were until the two of you collided and went tumbling to the ground. He landed above you, his arms on either side of you. Your back was pressed to the ground, and your eyes were squeezed shut.

A grunt came from the man hovering above you. He stood up and looks at you for a moment. He held out his hand to you, and when you looked up at his face, you let out a quiet gasp.

You could see the colors.

The first color you ever saw was a very vibrant purple that came from the coat the man sported. The first color he ever saw was a nice shade of E/C eyes.

You took the man's hand and he helped you up. "Thank you, sir." you said politely as you dusted your F/C dress off.

"You're welcome." the man said, a small smirk on his lips. "Next time, pay attention. We wouldn't want a pretty face like yours getting damaged, now would we?"

   You blushed slightly. "Pardon me, but, have you by any chance...noticed anything different?"

   The man chuckled. "Eager to find a soulmate, are we? For your information, yes, I can see colors now too."

   You let out a small sigh of relief. "Funny. I never thought that I'd meet my soulmate by colliding with them."

   "Well, you never know." The man gently took your hand and kissed it, smirking up at you. "My name is Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State."

   "Y/N L/N, citizen of America."

   Thomas let go of your hand and laughed, his laughter being a delightful sound to your ears. "That's quite a title, Y/N."

   You liked the way your name sounded on his lips. "Why thank you, but I'm not that important anyway."

   "Of course you're important, Y/N! You're my soulmate. You'll someday be married to one of the most important men in America!"

   You blushed. "Mr. Secretary, i-"

   "That's Thomas to you, darling."

   "Fine. Thomas, if that's how you think of me, go ahead. I've just...never been significant, is all." You looked at the ground as Thomas studied you.


   "I-I'm sorry, it's late. I must return home. Write me?" You looked up at him shyly, the blush you had still dusting your cheeks.

   "Of course, mon amour~." he said with a pleasant French accent. Thomas leaned down and kissed your cheek before walking past you.

   Your face now probably a bright pink, you turned and watched as your soulmate disappeared into the night. You noted that he had a regal, know-it-all stride.

   A flicker of excitement grew inside of you. You did it. You had finally, after many years of your life, found the one you were to be with for the rest of your life.

   You smiled to yourself. Maybe you were significant after all.

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