Chapter 7

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Harry's POV

"Ten minutes."  I glanced up at the door as Allie passed by, spitting those words out to me then I walked over to the drawers that held most of my clothes and grabbed everything I could that I had brought with me and piled it all into my large travel bag. 

Yesterday had been quite the day we all had. Secrets just came tumbling out one after another and emotions were boiling. The confessions that Josh, Allie and I were forced to confront had ended with Josh storming out of the house, Allie on the verge of collapsing to the floor in tears and Gracie and I in absolute confusion.

I knew just from the short time of seeing Allie and Josh together that they weren't as happy as they should be but I never picked up the vibe that it was so bad he would go and cheat on her...with her best friend.

This was all just too messed up. "Shit."

"I heard that."

Looking up, her small little frame was now jumping up onto the edge of my bed. "Yeah well cover you ears next time."

She ignored me. "Why are we leaving, Hammy?"

"Your mom thinks it would be best to go back home for a while. Her old home." I stood up straight, focusing on making sure I had everything packed and ready.

Once Allie had calmed down last night and explained a few simple things to Gracie about what she had just walked in on, she didn't hesitate to tell me she wanted to leave right away. She wanted to get away from the house, take Gracie and go back home.

I honestly couldn't believe it. I knew how much she hated where she came from. That would have been her absolute last resort to go to but she was stubborn and nothing I said could change her mind. She wanted out. She made it clear she wanted nothing to do with Josh for as long as she could hold it off. 

"Why are you taking us? Why can't daddy take us?" I ran my hands through my hair, sweeping it to the side before meeting her green eyes. She was curious as any other kid would be. She wanted to know why her dad wasn't here. She wanted to know why  her bags were packed overnight and ready to go by the door. She wanted to know why the guy her mom absolutely hated was now taking them somewhere away from their real home.

"Well kid, your mom talked to your dad earlier this morning and they both agreed that you and mom need a little vacation." That was a lie. Allie had argued with him over the phone for two hours until he finally gave her the okay to take Gracie away for a little while. "I just to happen to be the lucky guy that gets to drag your asses around for the day."

"But I don't want to leave." Sitting down on the bed, Gracie moved her way over and started poking my cheek. 

"That's not up to me."

Her small finger continued to poke me and I couldn't help but chuckle. "Why not? You're a grown up just like momma. She gets to tell me what to do, how come you can't? How come I always have to listen to her and not you? Everytime you say its okay to do something she says no or daddy says no. That's not fair."

I took in a breath as I listened to this little girls' words. She was smart for her age. Bright and fun and carefree. I can't imagine what she will be like as a teenager.

Good God.

"She's your mom, Gracie. She has the power to tell you what to do. Thats how family works. I'm not your dad. I can't take over as a parent for you. It's not my job."

Using her hands to push herself up onto her feet, Gracie stood on the bed now, her eyes level with mine as I sat on the edge. "But daddy hasn't even been here. He's always working or watching tv or going out without momma." I laughed as she listed the things, everytime her arms waving in every which directon for emphasis. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2012 ⏰

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