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This is the first cover art for the 1929 The Mystery of Cabin Island used on all copies of this title until 1945 when an updated, but not quite as nice, cover art replaced it

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This is the first cover art for the 1929 The Mystery of Cabin Island used on all copies of this title until 1945 when an updated, but not quite as nice, cover art replaced it. That one, in turn, was replaced by a similar but newer version in 1960. The story itself was revised in 1966.

Terror in the Inner Sanctum!

Shouts and screams echoed in the dark Inner Sanctum, lit now only by the two flaming vessels on the altar. The cult members had been frightened into a state of pandemonium when the lights went out and were now surging this way and that, trying to find an exit. In the confusion, they kept bumping into each other, some tripping and falling, many of them crying out in fright or frustration. Frank and Joe had plunged directly into the middle of the melee, their flashlights switched on, beams arcing wildly in the darkness as they sought out their father.

"It's the police!" someone shouted. "They turned off the power. They'll get us all for sure!"

"I have to get out of here," a shrill woman's voice cried out. "My family's name will be ruined if I'm arrested as one of the Mysterians!"

"Calm down! Calm down, I say!" Question Mark shouted above the din. "It's not the police. They don't know anything about us!"

Joe could feel the sneer on his lips as the people struggled to push their way through the now-opened doors of the auditorium.

"It most certainly is the police!" he cried out loudly, hoping to scare the wits out of everyone. "They found the man you had locked up on the third floor, and they have now come up here to arrest you!"

Frank grabbed his arm as the crowd reacted with more anxious shouts and cries. "I hope you are right. The police should indeed be here by now."

"Frank! Joe! Is that you?" a familiar voice shouted behind them.

The boys whirled around, their flashlight beams illuminating their father's face. He had pulled off the black mask and was gaping at them in astonishment.

"What in the world are you boys doing here?" he demanded.

"Oh, Dad, it's a long story," Joe hastened to explain. "No time to get into it now. We rescued Bob Jefferson, little Bobby's father. He was locked up down on the third floor. He went to get the police, so they actually may be here!"

"Of course they are here," Fenton Hardy declared. "And stop shining those lights in my face! I arranged earlier with the police for them to come at exactly eleven-twenty. They planned to shut the main power feed outside to turn this get-together into chaos. All the exits are guarded and every one of these cult members will be arrested on their way out."

Frank slapped his dad on the back. "You're terrific, Dad. What a great plan!"

Fenton Hardy sighed wearily. "Did you boys think I would sneak into this den of thieves without any kind of back-up?"

THE HARDY BOYS RETURN TO CABIN ISLANDWhere stories live. Discover now