Rhyming Octonaries: "Weep for me at Midnight Noon"

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Now weep no more my lady tree

For I am here to comfort thee;

To warm your roots 'til morning's sign

When rays of sun at last will shine,

But now we watch the silver moon,

Which lights the sky like midnight noon,

And hope the day won't draw too near,

For 'tis not darkness that we fear.

Together we shall watch the skies

With stifled hopes and teary eyes.

We'll stretch our roots down to the seams,

And taste the world as she dreams.

Then stay in peace for just a while,

Away from heartache, fear or trial.

The tears we shed shall drop unblessed,

And fall upon my untouched breast.

I stay one night and then I leave

To seek a silent place to grieve.

To rest forever in still grace,

Where dawn shall never touch my face,

Beneath the broken-bough willow

Which upon my grave shall grow,

To weep for me at midnight noon;

When our only mate shall be the moon.

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