Y.A.M ( 2 )

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You are More - Chapter Two - Understanding

A/N: I am in serious need of an editor!  So if anyone would like too, I am willing to give you fans! Shout outs! ETC!  thank you and just P.M. me :)  Now, here is chapter two of You are more!  There is a flash back so if you get confused on the settings..just know she has a flash back! <3

    After a whole lot of debating with myself, I decided to stay till the end of the funeral.  I sat on a wooden bench and watched the guests from Casey's funeral walk onto the 4000 square foot lot and enter their shiny or rundown cars.  In a blink of an eye, they zoomed off.  It made me angry that they all left; that Casey is gone and that’s all to it.  I feel like lava about to burst out of an erupting volcano.   I wish I had a makeup mirror on me, so I could see how red my cheeks are.

  I was startled when a car alarm went off.  Nearby, a black Chevrolet’s headlights were blinking like a broken street light and its alarm kept changing sounds.

“Oh dear, I always push the panic button.” A deep voice said from behind the bench.  Startled, I sprung off the bench.  The car alarm turned off and the man apologized, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, Elena.”

I was a bit stunned to hear my name from someone else’s mouth, but thankful it was Jorge.

“I’m glad you decided to join us for dinner.” he cheered.

For a man who lost both his wife and daughter during a short time period, he knew how to pretend to be happy.  I glanced around for Allee, but she’s nowhere in sight.

“Will Allee be joining us?”

“Of course, she will meet us back at the house.  She wanted to stay a little longer to say goodbye to her sister.”

I took a deep breath.  I felt the tears wanting to build up in my eyes and I’m in pain trying to hold them back.  How evil am I for coming here thinking I lost someone, that I deserve all the mercy and support.

“Well, shall we go?” he asked, ambling towards his car.  I silently watched him arrive to the passenger side and pull the door open.  He was half way inside the car when he shouted out, "Are you coming or do you have your own ride?"

I gazed around the lot before spotting my cherry red buggy.   Compared to his car, my car looked like an abandoned shopping cart you find along the sidewalks.  Then again my car is thirteen years old, while he might have a new car every year.  I felt like a teenager again, when they all brag about their new cars and talk trash about the run-down ones.  Embarrassed, I lied saying I took the bus and joined him in his car.

My face was pressed against the window as we drove away from the cemetery.  Goodbye, buggy.  I'll come back for you, I told myself.


The ride was more pleasant than I expected.  It brought my joy of how much he truly cared about Casey.  He told me her reaction when they first brought her to their home.  Casey was just four days old and she already had her brown hair coming in and noticeable dimples.  He said that they forgot to buy a car seat, so he and Brooke rushed to Baby R Us and randomly bought one.  As soon as they placed Casey inside the car seat, she was fast asleep, but the second she entered their door way, she was wide awake with a blissful smile.

 That story also brought me sadness, for that was the very last time I ever saw Casey.  I leaned against the window to see us driving onto a drive way.  The house was at least twenty times bigger than mine and I live in a shared condo with my best friend from high school.  The house's walls are blue bricks and the windows are large glass frames.  I might as well be in Hollywood visiting Tom Cruise's house.

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