CHAPTER XVII: Pitch's Arrival

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Pitch and Kay steered their mounts through the filthy lanes of Abita toward the walls of the great Far Tower. They had crossed the channel in the dark of night and had ridden hard to the city.

Pitch's face still ached where the arrow had hit him, but he would be damned if he was going to let a simple wound disrupt his plans.

As they neared the tower, church bells began to toll throughout the city. Kay shot Pitch a puzzled look. Pitch shrugged. The two men rode into the stable-yard and dismounted, leaving their horses to the Far Tower's grooms. Within the tower walls, men and women rushed in every direction, as if preparing for a wedding or a feast.

"What is this?" Pitch asked one of the grooms.

"M'Lord! King Manny returns from Alsace-Lorraine, M'Lord."

Pitch looked at Kay again, his mind reeling. Manny was dead. That was what Jackson had told them, practically with his dying breath. They hurried toward the water gate, pushing their way past a growing throng. Still unable to see, they climbed the saddling stones to get a better view.

There on the Eastern River, already at the dock, was the king's ship.

"Did Jackson deceive us?" Kay asked, keeping his voice low.

Pitch shrugged, his eyes fixed on the vessel.

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