Elder's Stories???

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"Do you really believe the story that Fishtail tells every moon?" Skypaw asked doubtfully.

"Of course!" answered Fuzzypelt confidently.

"What's this about an elders story?" a soft voice made the two apprentices jump.

The two jumpy apprentices turned to Tumblefur, a respected elder who was trained by Fishtail.

"Uh, we were just saying that Fishtail's story was especially interesting last time he told it!" Fuzzypelt mewed innocently.

"Hm. I'd like to tell you a story of my own if you thought that story was exciting!" Tumblefur meowed, rolling her eyes comically.

"What did you say, Furrythorn?" Tumblepaw asked for the fourth time.

The elder Furrythorn was telling a story about an attack on River Clan just a few moons ago, and that the leader of the attack of cats had said that they would return on this day.

"Ridiculous," Tumblepaw mumbled. "I bet that when the patrol comes back at sunhigh, there will be no reports of attacks anywhere near River Clan!"

Relaxing into her normal life, Tumblepaw padded over to eat.


Tumblepaw opened her eyes from slumber in confusion. Yowling and the mewling of frightened kits filled the air. The battle had begun.

"Tumblepaw, get out of your nest!" Fishpaw yowled, turning to face the next opponent.

A large tabby tom growled and advanced toward Tumblepaw. She threw herself into the fight. The rest of the battle was a blur.'

"That really happened?" both the apprentices asked at once.

"Of course it happened! But the lesson here, apprentices, is never to doubt the word of an elder. They are to be fiercely respected!" Tumblefur ended this statement with a laugh and padded away to talk with Fishtail. Fuzzypaw and Skypaw got back to hunting for the clan, a little wiser than before.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2017 ⏰

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