Chapter 12-Goodbye

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Sooooo I think a few people might hate me for what will be happening....yeaaaahhhhhhhhhh, OH! but don't worry, it gets even worse (better?) later on!


Chapter 12-Goodbye

    Caleb and Miranda had left the room, leaving us in the locked darkness with the creature that was almost free from its restraints. Clarisse and Jake stood there, staring in shock at the current situation while I tried my best to untie the ropes that were wrapped around Brent’s ankles and wrists. It was difficult to complete in the dark, but I was able to get one hand free.

    “Lanna, I-” he tried to say, but I quickly pushed my hand over his mouth to quite him.

    “Don’t say anything until we can find a way out of here.” I said, trying to breath lightly. The stench of the room burned my lungs, making it hard to breath or speak for all of us.

    “Lanna, we need to get out of here.” Jake said in one breath. I agreed, but Clarrise was the first to discover the exit we could take.

    “We can try to pry open the wall using the crack that is over there. We need something though, like a crowbar or anything strong.”

    The first generation zombie had one hand free, growling and screaming as it tried to reach for us. It barely touched Jake’s shoe before he jerked his foot back, coming more closer to us.

    “Dammit all, you girls look for something, I’ll make sure to hold off this bitch if she comes loose.” he offered. I tried to go against it, but my words were interrupted by Brent’s who agreed instantly with him. He was finally free from his restraints, and quickly stood to stand by Jake’s side. As I watched him, he walked past Jake towards the girl. I grew confused, until he lifted his foot and started hitting her in the head, hard. When she lied on the ground, he would continuously thrash his foot into her face, causing loud crunches to come from her bones, and grunts to come from his mouth. I stood in shock, watching his anger take over his form. It was a new experience to see, since I had never seen the angry glow gleam in his eyes before.

    “You guys, I found metal bar. I think it might be strong enough to use.” Clarrise came back, standing beside me holding the long bar. Jake turned around and quickly snatched it out of her hands, running towards the crack and putting it through the hole. As him and Clarrise used their strength to pry the wood off, I just stood there, dazed by the situation. Even when the girl was now fully dead, lying on the floor in her black blood, Brent continued to defile her body with his unnecessary kicking.

    “Brent, that is enough, she is dead.” I mumbled, but he couldn’t hear me. Biting my bottom lip, I walked away, trying to ignore the scene behind me. Instead, I tried to use what strength I had to help pry off the rest of the wood to fit us through. It took a few pushes to be able to get all of the wood that we needed off, but once we were done, we squeezed through and ran as far as we could. Without realizing, not only did Brent follow, but we had ended up in the open field, like the one that him and I use to play in.

    “Alright, I think we are safe.” Jake coughed, breathing in all of the fresh air he could. Clarrise had a large smile, yet it faded when she saw me.

    “Lanna, what’s wrong?” she asked. I looked at her, then at Jake who’s eyes were on mine with concern. It made my heart skip a beat, but what had made my beating stop was the feeling a warm arms wrapped around my neck from behind me. It was Brent, his breathing near my ear as my eyes grew wide with shock.

    “Oh Lanna, how I have missed you.” he whispered. A chill went up my spine as I stood there in his arms.

    “Look, I know you two haven’t seen each other for a while, but we don’t have time to be lounging around. We still have to get the hell away from here while we still can before-” Jake’s words were cut off when a loud bang roared through the sky. Liquid splashed onto my face as I jumped, adrenaline soaring through my veins when I saw Jake’s eyes go wide as he began to fall.

    In the distance behind us, a figure stood by the building, holding a rifle in his hands, aimed at us. It was Caleb. Yet, even with this knowledge, I stood there, watching the red liquid pour from Jake’s stomach and drip from his mouth as he coughed. My legs lost balance and my body shook, tears trailing down my face all at the same time.

    “Jake?” I mumbled. He coughed again, turning his head to look at me. In realization of what was happening, I crawled quickly over to him and tightly grabbed his hand. “Jake, no no no, you can’t die. Please, you can’t die, please!” I cried heavily, holding his hand close to my chest. Clarrise began to cry as well, holding her hands close to her mouth. Brent stood in his spot, staring at Jake and I, taking in the unfamiliar situation.

    “Damn, and I thought we got out.” Jake said, coughing afterwards. “Lanna; Clarrise, you guys have to make it out of here. Hell, get as far away from that bastard as you can. Find Brittany, and get the hell out of here and as far as you can.”

    “Jake, I’m not leaving you, you have to come with us.” I said, but I knew that he couldn’t make it with a wound like that. No doctor could save him. His stomach was fully blasted through, a large hole going from one end to the other.

    “You have Brent now, you don’t need me.” His eyes filled with tears, staring into mine. He held onto my hand with little strength, which frightened me.

    “But Jake, I need you! I need you to stay with me!”

    “Lanna, please stay safe. Promise me you will make it out alive.” Jake lifted his hand out of mine and reached for my face, lightly touching my left wet cheek and stroked it. I kept my eyes on his, even to his last breath when I watched his pupils dialate, and his hand fall into my lap. There, at that moment, I held my breath. Even with the devil’s footsteps walking closer to eyes through the field, reloading his rifle, I sat there, letting the tears fall and my body stay still. Clarrise and Brent called out my name, trying to pull me to stand and run, but I blocked out their voices; blocking out all of the happenings around me. My hands were limp as they held Jake’s cold hand.

    Clarrise and Brent ran without me, heading into the small patch of trees to hide themselves. Caleb passed me by, holding his rifle in his hand and followed them. I couldn’t move; couldn’t breath. My life had no meaning anymore, not without Jake. My eyes still stared into his empty ones, taking in the last words that he said to me in his last breath. I couldn’t tell him that I felt the same.

    That I loved him.

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