My Inadequate Tendencies

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Long time no see! I feel like most of you hate me by now, and some part of me knows I deserve such feelings but I can't contain these urges I get.

I understand, I haven't even finished Fighting Fate so why would I start another story?

Good question! And that would be because my feelings, or my evil writer tendencies, was beginning to realize that my story telling of Ryker and Kei was beginning to slack.

I know, it's my responsibility to keep it up, but lately I've been wanting to try to experiment with another writing style. And that would be the third person POV omniscient.

I've been wanting to try this POV for a while and being how Fighting Fate is first person, I was getting a craving to do something different.

You don't have to read this story (though I would love feedback!), I would understand given it's not even finished as well. I'm hoping that I can keep switching from this story to Fighting Fate to keep me, what's the word, refreshed in a sense.

It's almost as if I've become burnt out with Fighting Fate and I need this as a cold splash in my face to keep me rejuvenated. But I still plan to keep working on Fighting Fate, even though I have been thoroughly slacking hardcore.

Now, with that said, I hope all of you beautiful beasts have a crazy, wonderful day/night!

- Elanna

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