Chapter 7

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Hey guys! This is hopefully as good as the others. :) Vote, fan, rate, whatever gets ya off your feet!


            “Hold on tight,” Fred said, grinning as Merope clutched the broom handle for dear life.

            “If I hold on any tighter, the broom’s gonna snap,” she said, her voice laced with nervousness.

            “Lesson one, calm down,” Fred said, leaning around her so his mouth was beside her ear and so he wouldn’t get whipped in the face by her long raven hair flying behind her.

            The pitch sped by as they circled it around and around. Higher, then lower in the air.

            “I’m trying!” Merope exclaimed, looking from side to side as she watched the others flying around the pitch lazily as well. Ron was flying with Hermione, and Harry, George, and Ginny were all flying solo. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the sun and clear sky.

            “Try harder,” Fred replied. Merope immediately started relaxing. After a couple more rounds, she was leaning into the turns and seemed to be enjoying herself.

            “Okay, now I’m going to let you steer,” Fred said, letting go of the broom and loosely held onto Merope’s waist.

            Immediately, she tensed up again. But a circle later and she was doing everything right. And Fred couldn’t be happier.

            “See, all you have to do is relax,” he murmured in her ear, giving her waist a slight squeeze.

            “I’m not going to say you’re right,” Merope said. Fred chuckled in her ear.

            “You don’t have to,” he said, enjoying the moment even more. Merope was leaning against him, back against his chest and his hands were on her waist and stomach. He could feel her tense up every time he moved his hand a bit, but she never said anything. And he hoped she didn’t. Her stomach was lean and flat, and whenever he talked, he made use of the wind. He put his mouth so close to Merope’s ear that he brushed it with his lips.

            Oh yep, he was enjoying it too much.


            Goosebumps broke out on Merope’s arms as Fred whispered in her ear again, lips brushing it. She was acting like a young schoolgirl, tensing up and barely holding back a blush. And having his hands on her stomach wasn’t helping any. She was tall, but his hands spread out, covering her entire stomach. And every time he would move his hand, she’d tense up and want to blush again.

            “You guys having fun?” George yelled to them, going up and over them.

            “This is great!” Merope said, grinning as George smiled at them.

            “Who’s hungry?” Ginny asked them, drawing up alongside them. Immediately, Merope’s stomach gave a loud grumble. Fred laughed, deep and loud.

            “I’m gonna go out on a limb and say Merope is. But I am too,” Fred said, chuckling. Ginny laughed and they all landed on the ground.

            “Whoa,” Merope exclaimed as she dismounted the broom. The ground seemed to lurch under her as she walked.

            “Need a bag?” Fred asked, laughing as she slowly walked along.

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