Day 01

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A song from your childhood

Ruby Tuesday by Rolling Stones

I remember growing up in a family that absolutely loved music. That didn't mean that all of them could read it or play an instrument, but boy, did they love to listen to it.

We listened to everything, from jazz to classical to pop to rock. We loved them all. We had the radio always on at home. My mother made us CDs to play in the car. I had my own CD player, which I got for my second birthday present from one of my aunts. Man, I cried when it finally broke, ten years later. 

Music was always with us.

But, one special song was always with me. Ruby Tuesday by The Rolling Stones. I hailed that song as a young child. That song just spoke to me and said something different every time I heard it. I would always request it be turned up when it played.

My parents say they named me after my grandmother (who by the way is still alive and is amazingly healthy aged 91!!!!!), whose name is also Ruby, but I have always thought, or wished, different. I always thought I had been named after that song. I had always felt it was MY song. And that's why, years later, the song is still with me and still sings to me. At my wedding, that will be a song request. At my 50th birthday party, that will be my song request. At my funeral, that will be my song request.

So now, I had another request. If I don't get to request that song, think of me, somewhere, anywhere you want to picture me, and picture me listening to that song and smiling.

Because I will be.

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