Chapter 3

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A tall, handsome figure came sprinting out the deep blue clear sea; blonde hair, blue eyes, perfection. He came bounding closer, kicking up pale sand behind him. His features, his body, was perfect. He stood next to me, and lifted me up bridal style.

I had butterflies all over my body, not just my stomach! He gently put me on the back of a snow White horse and planted a soft kiss on my cheek. He went round to another dark brown horse, climbed on and grabbed my hand.

The horses sped off, the wind blowing through my dark hair. I was lost in his eyes, and he was lost in mine...

 I suddenly couldn't move. My eyes opened in shock, my body stiff from something holding me down. I was about to shout, when I heard a small snigger from behind me.

Then I remembered where I had fell asleep. I looked down at what was my body. It was now covered in sand. I was angrily punching and kicking my way out of the sand, knowing I was going to kill someone that day.

I stood up, the sand still stuck to my body from my neck downwards. I slowly twisted round, to see Izzy, Amber and Carly laughing there heads off. I couldn't get angry at them, so I thought, if you can't beat them, join them. We had all collapsed into giggles on the warm sandy floor.

I asked in-between laughs, "Where's Kelsi?"

They all calmed down suddenly.

Izzy replied, "She got a text and said she had to go somewhere."

"There's defiantly something up with her." I thought out loud.

The others nodded in agreement. We sat in silence, when a cough was heard behind us. It came from a tall handsome figure with blonde hair and blue eyes. Sounds familiar? Meet Harry Smith, the boy of my dreams.

"Hey. Paige, I, uh, saw you stuck in the sand."

My mouth was agape with shock. This wasn't good.

"Will and Keith took some pictures of you, but, I, like, didn't want them too. If I were you, I would hate if they got online! So, I jacked there phones and deleted them. I hope you, like, didn't swallow any sand." 

He stuck up for me! Well, he'd stick up for anyone, to keep his rep up. He's the most popular guy in school, and every girl wants him. He has to be nice to people like me, otherwise people will think he's a bully, and then his reputation will go down and down.

As he walked away, a chorus of squeals could be heard from around me. A mixture of "OMG!"'s and "AAAAAH!"'s were suddenly blasted down my ears. I swear, my ear drums were about to explode.

"Calm down guys, he would have said that to anyone. He has a girlfriend anyway."

Yup, the guy whom I have had a crush on since I was 8, has a girlfriend. I was crushed, by my crush when they first started dating. They being him and Fraya Damon, the most popular girl in the school. Clique, I know.

"Yeah, but he can still like you if he's dating, right?" questioned Carly.

 Amber said, "We all know you like him."

A chorus of "Oooh"'s followed.

I growled, "Seriously guys. Shut up."

"No." they replied.

I sighed. This was going to be a long day.

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