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Wednesday night I was in bed struggling to fall asleep. Lizzy had tried to keep me company but she had finally slipped into dreamland after eleven o’clock. I tossed and turned, counted to a hundred and backwards from a hundred to zero but I was awake still. I was slowly beginning to fall asleep when I felt vibrations under my pillow. I thought about ignoring my ringing phone but I reached over and began to read the text that had come in.
I bet that at this moment, right now, you’re thinking of me and smiling.
It was from Aidan. I giggled and left a smile on my face as I replied.
Oh Brian, how did you know?
I waited patiently for a reply. The phone rested on my tummy as I stared blindly at the ceiling that I could not see in the dark.
Very funny.  Did I wake you?
I thought about lying and just telling him that he did but I decided to just bend the truth a bit.
I’m struggling to fall asleep. What are you doing awake? Polishing up your fortune-telling skills for tomorrow?
He replied directly.
I wish I was a fortune-teller then I wouldn’t be up studying for my test. Can’t wait to see you.
I paused. The heat rushed to my face. I didn’t know what to say. Was he just flattering me or did he really what to see me as badly as I had suddenly realised I wanted to see him too. I had to play it cool.
Test? What for? I replied.
I was getting ready to sleep. My eyes were getting heavy but I couldn’t ignore the vibrations of my phone.
Business Management. I just work part-time so that I meet hot girls.
I shook my head as I replied him.
Hot girls like me? Awesome plan though. How is it working out for you?
I turned to lie on my side. Lizzy was lightly snoring away.
Well, I think I’m about to close business. I found what I was looking for and I don’t think I’ll want anything else, was his reply
I inhaled deeply. I could feel myself diving head first into something I didn’t know. Worst part was I didn’t feel like stopping myself.
Good luck. Finding something doesn’t necessarily make it yours. I’m falling asleep now. Good luck with your test.
I didn’t know how I felt about Aidan. I didn’t want to think about it either.
Good night, gorgeous was his final text. I closed my eyes and before I could let out the yawn I felt coming I was out like a lamp.
I expected to wake up feeling like I’d been hit by a truck but I felt great. I guess you could say that I hadn’t slept but I’d truly rested. After the last text with Aidan, I managed to slip off into a dreamless slumber. I don’t even know if I tossed over while I slept. One minute I was placing my head on the pillow, the next I was waking up with mum shaking me. It didn’t feel like the usual waking up feeling; like I was being pulled out from under water. Instead, it felt like I was opening my eyes and snapping out of a hypnosis induced by calming massaging.
I carried around a smile on my lips and a serene expression on my face. Lizzy just stared at me. She couldn’t believe I’d slept fewer hours than she had. Dad watched me eat, he couldn’t help smile with me. I guess, good moods are more contagious than I had thought. Rumour had it that Luke apologised to Heather but my jaw hit the floor when I saw them walking hand in hand through the cafeteria doors towards our table at lunch. It must have been one heck of an apology.
“Are those two…?” Matt whispered an incomplete question that we were all wondering. Our eyes were glued on the happy mismatched couple approaching us.
We didn’t get a chance to answer.
“Hey guys!” Luke said in his normal tone. He high-fived a stunned Matt and grabbed the only empty seat at the table. “Take that sit, Heather. I can grab another one.”
We watched Heather smile and exchange a look with Luke that the rest of us could not place. Luke yanked a chair from the other table without asking and sat down.
“What’s going on guys?” Heather asked casually.
We could ask you the same question I thought to myself. The rest of lunch flowed quite well. Everyone held their questions internally. We were all just glad that Heather and Luke had waited to gross us out with their lovey-dovey stuff until they’d formally put us in the loop of how things were going between them.
I felt absolutely terrific, so my day just went great even when Heather confessed to me about her new relationship with Luke. I feared that she was making a mistake but I just smiled and let her bathe in her bliss. I had no right to be the Prophetess of Doom and Gloom in her love life; mainly because I was counting on Chuck to burst her bubble.
I sat in the Physics class, waiting for Heather to finish her conversation with Luke by the door. They’d been doing the same routine for all the classes. Luke would wait for her to finish her class and walk her to the next class. I had never seen Luke act so whipped and I never imagined Heather to be so blinded. Most importantly, I had never thought that Heather would be whipping Luke and Luke would be blinding Heather.
Looking up at the board, right in front of me, I saw the guy who managed to scramble my brain. Without much thought I started to speak.
“Hey,” I said tapping his chair with my pen. He turned and looked at me with a smile on his face.
“Hi,” he said. And at that moment I realised that I had absolutely nothing to say to him. “I was looking for you.” He continued.
“You were?” I asked, relieved.
“Yeah, you left your pencil on the desk in the library.” He said handing to me an unfamiliar pencil.
“That’s not mine.” I said as I shook my head. But I continued to smile.
“It’s not?” he said, it almost sounded like he doubted my ability to remember my own property.
“Yep, I don’t do purple pencils. It’s a rule of mine.” I said as a joke but he didn’t even smile, he just shrugged.
“Okay,” he said putting the pencil back in his bag. “Did you want something?”
“I know it’s stupid to ask now,” I began searching for courage to ask him for his name. I was about to open my mouth to speak when a guy I think is called Tom walked past.
“Hey Dylan!” Tom said slapping him on the shoulder. I threw a grateful glance at Tom. He might have construed it as something else but I didn’t care. Finally, a name to the face.
“You were saying?” Dylan said looking expectantly at me. I looked at the desk and breathed out through my mouth.
“Yeah, I wanted to know if you could help me with my Math, you know, whenever you are free.” I lied. I was surprised, I pulled it off. I’m not that great at lying.
“Hmmm,” he said, thinking deeply. By then, I was praying he’d refuse. I did need help with Math but definitely not from him. “Sure, just let me know when. I don’t know how much I can help you though.”
“Great.” I said, trying not to push it and at the same time trying not to push him. The last thing I needed was committing to an actual arrangement. Just then, starry eyed Heather skipped in, literally. She sat next to me and just frowned at Dylan.
“Heather, you know Dylan right?” I said when I realised how oddly Heather was staring at him.
“Yeah, who doesn’t?” she answered in an almost scornful tone that definitely got my attention. Dylan looked to the front just as our teacher strolled in so it was hard to tell if the teacher’s presence was the cause or Heather’s rude glaring.
I hadn’t taken a single breath since Heather had arrived and looked at Dylan with a stare that roused suspicion. I had to wait patiently, nearly dying, for class to end so that I could ask Heather what that was about. Throughout class I threw questioning glances at Heather but she was back to her I’m-in-love¬ zone so the stares meant nothing.
What was it about Dylan that I’d missed? I thought he’d joined the school for just three months now? No one can screw up bad enough to grab Heather’s attention in just three months. I had to wait and ask Heather about it. But I had to be careful not to raise any red flags. Heather was good at reading deep seated emotions no matter how many minor emotions you spread on top. So I had to ask cautiously. One glance at Heather’s head propped on her arm as she gazed blankly at the teacher told me that she wouldn’t be on top of her game for a while. Cupid had hit her bad.
“What was that about?” I asked when Dylan had left. Heather looked at me questioningly. “You know, before class with Dylan?” I hinted as casually as I could.
“You don’t know?” she asked with a laugh. I remained quiet waiting for her to continue. “I can’t get into that right now. Luke is waiting for me.”
With that she was gone. This thing with Luke was sweet and all but I truly just wanted them to cool it. It was hard to stomach. Sort of like watching a train wretch about to happen and being able to do nothing about it. I followed after her. As I got in the passage I caught a glimpse of Luke and Heather arm-in-arm just before they disappeared around the corner. I rolled my eyes in disgust. Thank goodness school was over and it was Thursday…milkshakes with Lizzy were waiting for me.           
   When I got to the restaurant Lizzy was already there, sipping on a strawberry milkshake. I was late because I had to wait, without luck, for someone – anyone – to tell me the story about Dylan. I was really curious and I couldn’t help wanting to find out about it. Maybe Luke was right, I was behaving like a stalker.
“Hey little Miss. Sunshine!” Lizzy said as I sat down. The burden of curiosity was washing away the good mood I’d waken up with in the morning but I forced on a smile. It was so hard to pull off.
“Hi Lizzy,” I said. She was playing around with the straw in the milkshake.
“Aidan bought me a milkshake.” She said with a grin. When his name left her mouth my heart skipped a beat. “He just went to get me a carrot cake.”
“Lizzy! What’s wrong with you?” I hissed.
“Seriously Chris, he’s a nice guy.” Lizzy said sipping lazily on her milkshake. “We got to talking.”
“Whatever.” I mumbled.
Just then Aidan arrived at our table with a beyond average slice of carrot cake.
“Hey.” He said to me, looking like the cat that swallowed the canary. I could smell a rat. Maybe I’m over doing the clichés but something big was going on.
“Hi,” I said as my eyes moved from his face to Lizzy who was already digging into the cake. “What’s with you…both?”
“Nothing, it’s just a great day that’s all.” Lizzy said and at that moment I definitely knew something was up.
“Can you get me a strawberry milkshake?” I asked Aidan “Or is your shift up?”
“Yeah, my shift’s up that means you’re in luck.” He said placing the small writing pad in his pocket.
“Great! You’re leaving.” I said smiling at him.
“Yes, and you’re coming with me.” He said looking at Lizzy who was just then winking at me.
“What? No, I’m here with Lizzy. I can’t just leave her.” I stuttered.
“Oh Chuck, thank goodness you’re here.” Lizzy all of a sudden squealed. I turned to look behind me and sure enough Chuck was walking into the restaurant.
“Hey guys!” Chuck said, taking a seat next to Lizzy.
“Chuck, this is Aidan.” Lizzy said with special emphasis on the last part. Chuck bit her lower lip, obviously liking what she was seeing.
“Hey,” Chuck said in her deep voice, this time it sounded sexy and flirty. I rolled my eyes. Just what I needed, another girl admiring the guy I was seriously crushing on.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Chuck.” Aidan said before he turned to look back at me. “Shall we leave?”
“I’ll meet you here at half past five. I told Jason we’ll be done by then.” Lizzy answered my question before I asked it. “Have fun you two.”
“We’ll talk about this later.” I said through gritted teeth.
“Chris, photographic memory please.” Chuck said before she mouthed “He’s so hot!”
It was a good thing that Aidan had his back to them. I wasn’t angry but I wasn’t thrilled either. We left the restaurant and just walked a few blocks before I bought myself a milkshake. He had insisted on buying it for me but I preferred to buy it myself. Call me feminist or whatever, but I wasn’t going to let him spoil me just yet.
He led me to the park. A part of me wasn’t so kin on it but being with him felt almost natural. I felt strangely safe, maybe it was because of how well built he was. I could feel his eyes on me most of the journey for long periods of time. I found myself worried he’d walk into a pole. When I was sure he was looking ahead, I’d look at him and my heart would pound heavily in my chest. His voice, his face, his easy going personality just appealed to every part of me.
I’d been to the park a hundred times before but somehow that day it felt like I was looking at the park with new eyes. We sat down and I enjoyed the rest of my milkshake. There were kids running and chasing the birds. It reminded me of the times dad would bring us here when Lizzy and I were younger. There was a group of Indian tourists. They were having a great time, taking fewer pictures and enjoying each other more. And we were there too, laughing and chatting. We weren’t looking as cosy as the other couples that were around; holding hands and kissing, but we were having fun. We defined quality time.
“I’m sorry I ambushed you like this.” Aidan said. He hadn’t stopped smiling since we had left the restaurant. Oddly enough, it made me feel nice.
“At least you have the decency to admit it.” I said as I smiled back at him. I let our eyes meet for a while.
“It was your friend’s idea” he said, gazing into my eyes. I wondered how he could talk so casually when my mind had seized to make sense.
“Who? Chuck?” I asked, slightly confused making me look away.
“No, Lizzy. She’s not your friend?” he sounded more embarrassed than confused
“Lizzy is my sister.” I corrected him.
“Oh, right. I think she mentioned you guys staying together. I assumed you were flatmates or something.”
“Flatmates? How old do you think we are?” I said raising my eyebrow.
“Well, I know you’re still in school. Final year, I guess.” He raised an eyebrow too making me conscious of my unintentional reaction. “Eighteen?”
I nodded at his guess, “So, how come you thought we would stay alone?”
“Because I stayed alone since I was sixteen. I guess I forgot it wasn’t normal.” He said looking at his hands. And in an instant he composed himself and looked at me with a smile that swept the concerned expression off my face.
“I’m sorry.” I whispered.
“Don’t be. It made me strong.” I frowned at those words. Maybe I was reading too much into them but they seemed to carry a lot of feelings.
“Should I ask what you mean?” I asked softly.
“If you want but I won’t be able to answer you.” he said taking the empty cup from my hands. “This might seem as an insult, but you and Lizzy don’t look like… sisters.”
“We’re as blood sisters as we need to be. We have the same blood type. But you’re right. I was adopted.” I explained. Our resemblance was questionable so I wasn’t offended.
“You like the idea?” he asked almost surprised by my reply.
“Love it!” I said with a giggle.
We were quite for a while just looking around, at least I was. Aidan just watched me from the corner of his eye. For a split second I wondered if I had something on my face.
“What’s the best day of your life?” he asked with a smile. I looked at him puzzled. “Think of it as a getting to know you game.”
I smiled at his explanation and answered, “The day I met Lizzy and her parents. What’s yours?”
“The day I accepted my brother’s death.” And again I saw the sadness before he quickly brushed it aside. “Worst day?”
“I walked in on a robbery one night a few years ago and I got a gun pulled on me.” I said quietly. I swallowed hard as the emotions threatened to overpower me.
“I should have specified that. I meant date.” He said as his warm hand slid over mine and he squeezed my hand. In an instant I felt a thousand times better.
“That’s easy.” I said with a smile. “I was thirteen; my dad was there the whole time. What about yours?”
“It’s been a while. I haven’t been on a date since forever. I hadn’t met any girl worth the struggle.” He looked at me and smiled. I felt so light-headed. “We should be heading back.” He said as he got up from the bench.
I got up and followed him. I needed a few seconds to put his words at the back of my mind but not too far because I wanted to revisit the conversation later on. When I was sure that I had pulled myself together I ran to catch up with him.
We returned to our relaxed conversation. My heart actually weighed a tonne when I saw Lizzy standing outside the restaurant. Unthinking, my pace dropped and I looked at Aidan more closely. Please ask me out, please ask me out…I chanted to myself.
“Thanks for ambushing me.” I said as I let a grin spread across my face. “I enjoyed myself.”
“It was my pleasure.” He said. “Thought it’d be unfair for you to go through life without realising how awesome I am.”
I laughed but it came out sounding more like a giggle. I looked at Lizzy as she pointed to the black Benz coming down the road.
“Well, I have to go.” I said. Jason had just pulled up and Lizzy was pointing at me as she spoke to Jason as animatedly as always. She was telling Jason to wait for a few minutes.
“It might be too soon but maybe I could take you out for a proper date tomorrow. Give you an encore of some sort.” He said with a smile. I couldn’t help smiling back at him. It was impossible not to.
“Sounds good. Under one condition,” I said “we have an awesome dessert.”
Before he could answer, Lizzy called my name impatiently. I mumbled a quick good bye and started walking to the car. I heard Aidan shout “Bye, Christopher!” and I burst out laughing. Lizzy was eyeing me suspiciously when I got to the car. It was at that moment that I realised how painful my jaws were from smiling. I had to make a conscious decision to stop smiling because when I tried to stop smiling I remembered why I was smiling and that made me smile some more.
“I should have asked for something bigger than a carrot cake!” Lizzy mumbled as we got out of the car when we finally arrived home.

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