Chapter 30

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My tears are dry and I am showered and somewhat mentally stable by the time Zayn returns from the movies.

"So, how was your.. hang out with Harry?" he asks and grabs his pajamas out of his dresser.

"It was okay, he was his normal ..charming self" I tell him and manage a laugh. I want to tell him about what we did but I am too ashamed. I know he wouldn't judge me but I don't want anyone to know, I just hope Harry doesn't tell anyone, although I wouldn't put it past him. Zayn looks at me with concern evident in his eyes and I have to look away.

"Just be careful okay, you're too nice for someone like Harry" he says and I want to hug him and cry into his shoulder. He knows Harry better than most people and he even thinks I should stay away.

"How was the movie?" I change the subject. He tells me how Tristan kept feeding him popcorn during it and that he is really starting to like him. I want to gag but I know I am just jealous that Tristan actually likes him, the way Harry doesn't like me. But I do have someone who loves me and I need to start treating her better and stay away from Harry, for real this time.

Eventually Zayn falls asleep and I do the same shortly after.

The next morning I force myself out of bed and get dressed. 

I stop by the coffee house and grab Liam a drink too. I am still pretty early to class so I walk slower than usual.

"Hey, Louis right?" I hear a guy's voice say. I look over and see the preppy girl from the party,  Briana I think was her name.

"Yea, Briana right?' I ask her and she nods.

"You coming over again this weekend?" she asks. She must be part of the frat. Of course she is, she is preppy and gorgeous.

"Oh no, not this weekend" I laugh and she joins in.

"Bummer, you were fun. Well, if you change your mind you know where it is" she laughs. "I gotta go or I will be late, see you around" she gives me another smile and walks away.

Liam is already seated and thanks me repeatedly for bringing him coffee.

He doesn't ask about my night with Harry and I am grateful. I am not ready to talk about it yet. Just as I begin to stop thinking about Harry, it is time for Literature.

Harry is sitting in his normal seat in the front. I want to ask Liam to switch seats with me but I don't want to have to explain why. Harry is wearing a white t-shirt for once and his tattoos are visible underneath it. It amazes me how attractive I find his tattoos and piercings, I never cared for either before. I look away quickly and pull out my notes. I hope Liam arrives soon so I won't feel so alone with Harry.

"Lou?" Harry whispers as the class begins to fill up. No. Don't answer him. Ignore him. I repeat to myself.

"Lou?" He says again, this time louder.

"Do not speak to me Harry." I say through my teeth and still avoid looking at him. I will not fall back into his trap.

"Oh come on" he says and I can tell he is laughing at me.

"I mean it Harry, leave me alone" My tone is harsh but I don't care.

"Fine, have it your way" he says equally harsh and I sigh. Liam walks in and I am so grateful.

"You okay?" Liam asks kindly.

"Yea, I'm fine." I lie and class begins.

After class Harry walks out before me and doesn't try to talk to me again. We continue ignoring each other all week and I am beginning to forget about our mistake. Each day that passes without talking to him makes it easier to not think about him when I get back to my room. Zayn and Tristan have been hanging out all week so I have had the room mostly to myself all week which has been both good and bad. Good because I get a lot of studying done but bad because I am left alone with my thoughts about Harry. By Friday, I feel like I am really over this whole mess with Harry, that is until everyone keeps talking about the party. There is a party there every Friday and usually Saturday too so why they feel the need to get excited about it every weekend blows my  mind.After being asked by at least ten people if I will be at the party, I decide to do the only thing that I know will keep me from going. I call Lauren.

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