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They were a very beautiful couple. Patrick and Ariana. They complemented each other better than anything I had ever seen. He wasn't too much taller than her but it was enough to make her look small. She was one of the smallest people I had ever met. His arm was always around her. Not possessively like I had always had her. It was protective and loving. I always wanted everyone to know who she was with. She was too beautiful to let free. He was a good guy, the kind she needed. But, she was mine. She would always be mine. I can't help but wish I'd never let her go. But I did.

"He cares about her, ya know?" Zeke spoke behind me, coming to sit next to me on the porch. I had been sitting here, thinking while Ariana and Patrick looked at the mountain view. "I mean, I know you do too but he really cares."

"He's a phenomenal douche and I fucking hate it." I groaned, gulping down my water. "He is the perfect guy. Perfect life, perfect hair, perfect dog, perfect girl."

"Stop pitying yourself when you're the one that fucked that up. That girl was everyone's dream and you had her. You let her go when she would have done anything for you. She wanted to marry you, go wherever you go and you thought the best fucking thing was to break up. She did it because you asked her too. Don't be pissed because she found someone that would do what you wouldn't-"

"You think you're so fucking wise? You drooled over her for years and never did shit about it! You always told me how bad you wanted her and you never told her anything. But, guess the fuck what, I took her virginity before you ever could!"

"I fucking get it, Tate! You got to bang the hot blonde we both wanted. Congratulations! But none of that means anything because guess what? You chose a game over it! The best thing that ever happened to you and will ever happen to you- you left behind for a stupid game! I don't envy you at all. I fucking pity you because you have to sit here and mope about the girl you love in bed with someone else. You wanna talk about how you one-upped me! Do it! But guess who wins?"

I fucking hated Zeke. He was always jealous. He wanted what I had. He'd do anything to piss me off.

"Fuck you, Zeke."

"Fuck you, Tate."

At some point he stormed off and I was left on the cabin porch to blow off more steam. Then I saw her. Ariana. She had her arms crossed and her face was red and stained with tears. What the fuck happened?

"No," I let out in a breath, shaking my head. "No, no. I didn't mean for him to hear. We just got pissed off and I'm sorry. Shit. Where is he? Let me talk to him, I'll fix this."

She was silent for only a few seconds before she decided her rebuttal would be harm. A hard, burning strike to the side of my face.

"I hate you, Tate." She was serious. It wasn't her usual playful banter. She hated me. It was obvious in her eyes. "You're a piece of shit! You can't ever let someone just be happy!" She screamed.

"That wasn't my intention."

"I was going to tell him!" She cried. "I was going to tell him tonight. I wanted us to have full honesty and you messed that up!"

"Baby-" I cursed, knowing that the pet name slipped at the wrong time.

"I'm not your fucking baby." She hissed, turning away from me. "I never should have come on this trip."

"Why did you?" I asked, needing her to validate my assumption that maybe she just wanted to see me. "Why come?"

"To get away. To see the fucking mountains. To find some peace." She shook her head. I was wrong. She feels nothing. It's in her voice. There was no shakiness like usual when she's nervous or lying. She was just pissed. "It's over, Tate. No more friends. From now on, don't try to call." She turned around, her hands in her back pockets and I almost ran after her. Almost. But that was a fire I didn't want to fuel.

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