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"Fuck you!" I screamed, throwing a pillow in Tate's direction.

"You already fucking have!" He yelled back, not even considerate of the fact that my mother was in the other room.

"I hate you!" I pushed against his chest and he grabbed my hands. "You're a piece of shit! How fucking dare you tell who I can and can't see!" I pulled away, stepping away from him.

"Well, excuse the fuck out of me for caring for your well fucking being! Elliot McNeil is the real piece of shit. He's been getting his dick wet since the 6th grade! You really wanna be next? Who knows what the fuck he has?"

"What about you, Tate? You're so innocent? Who's skanky underwear did I find in your room?"

"I fucking told you not to worry about it!"

"Then why are you worried about me? If I don't get to know who you're with, don't concern yourself with my life!"

"You touch him, don't ever come near me again." He slammed the door this time and I let out a loud grunt. How dare he?

"Ariana Rose Davis," my mothers voice spoke at the door after about half an hour. "When did you start sleeping with him?"

"Mom, I really don't want to talk about this." I whined, wiping under my eyes.

"We are talking about this. He's been living here for almost 2 years, I need to know what's been going on."

"It's nothing," I sighed, shaking my head. "He's an asshole."

"No, honey. He's not. He's a good boy that cares about you." She brushed her hand through my hair and kissed my forehead. "Were you being safe with him? Still taking the pill?" I nodded and she smiled small. "Sweet girl, I wish you'd know your worth."

"It wasn't like that-" I bit my lip and tried to hold back any more tears. "He's my best friend. He made me feel good about myself when I was with him. He told me I was beautiful. We saw other people, it wasn't serious. It's not serious."

"You don't ever need to find your worth in bed with a man, baby. You find it yourself. He can call you pretty all he wants but you have to believe it." She hugged me, cradling my head while I cried. "You two both leave in a few months. Why don't you go talk to him?"

"He won't want to listen to me. He's like a beast when he's angry." I groaned, laying my head on her shoulder. "He just yells and grunts."

She laughed softly and placed her hand on my cheek. "Go listen to him yell. It's ok to be upset with each other. But don't leave it unresolved."

It took me about an hour to calm down and make my way to the basement. His lights were off, except for the lamp by his bed. He had his arm over his eyes and I knew his head probably hurt. He always worked himself up too much and then this happens. "Tate," I whispered, crawling over to him. He didn't move his arm. He knew it was me.

"They're Sadie's." He mumbled, his voice cracking shyly. "When we went to your tournament in Boston, I gave Zeke my key so he and Sadie could-" he looked over at me and I leaned down to kiss him, my hands on his face. "I've never brought another girl here, I swear. You live here." He said when I pulled away.

"I'm not going on a date with Elliot." I admitted. I told him he asked me on a date, not that I was going. He assumed that himself. He just made me mad.

"I fucking hate you." He rolled his eyes and looked back up, his arm back over his eyes.

"I hate you too, now come here so I can help you." He didn't protest. He laid his head in my lap and closed his eyes. I started rubbing his temples, making sure I put enough pressure to help alleviate some of his pain. "Who was the last girl you've been with, besides me?" I asked curiously.

"Some girl named Candice about 2 summers ago. She was like 5'9 and most definitely a solid 25 but she didn't care that I was 9 years younger and total jail bait. It was Miami. Shit happens." He was smirking. He probably really liked that trip.

"Who'd you lose your virginity to?"

"Samantha Paxton."

"No fucking way!" I laughed, staring down at him in disbelief. "Crotch mouth?" The girl always had rank breath. Always.

"I was drunk and she was too." He defended and I cackled. "Well who the fuck did you lose it to? Justin fucking Bieber?"

"Shit. I wish." I snorted and he shook his head at me while I played with his hair. "Really wanna know how it happened?" He opened his eyes and nodded. "It was a year and half ago. In the pool. I had never seen a boy so carefree and reckless and there wasn't an ounce of my being that wasn't ready." I smiled, thinking about that very night.

"That was your first time?" He asked and I nodded. "You should have told me. I wouldn't have-"

"Exactly." I hummed. "You wouldn't have wanted me so much if you knew. I wanted you, Tate."

"You're something else." He chuckled, sitting up to grab my face in both hands. "So beautiful," he kissed me softly and moved his body to face mine. He was on his knees while he kissed me, pulling me closer to him. "Lay the fuck down." He whispered, breathlessly. I bit his bottom lip and did as he said. He ripped the lace off my bottom half and licked his fingers before rubbing my clit to get me ready.

He pushed himself inside, minimal foreplay but I rarely needed it with him. He was an animal, fast and brutal while he squeezed my ass in his hands, bringing me up to hold onto him. "That's my girl." He teased, pressing his lips to my jaw. "You like that, huh?"

"Yes, baby." I moaned, gasping for him to never stop. His hands held me tight in them, not letting me fall as he hit the deepest parts of me. I begged for more. Faster, harder, deeper. He always delivered.

He kissed my head when we were finished. He held me to his body, put his arms all the way around me and told me I was beautiful. "What's gonna happen when we both go to school? You'll be in California, I'll be in North Carolina, that's different coasts."

"You excel at geography, Tate." I teased and he laughed bitterly, brushing my hair behind my back. "We'll be ok. We can meet up on holidays, go to Daytona or Padre for Spring Break, I'll come to a game or two. You're not getting rid of me."

"You're gonna date when you go to California. You're gonna meet some dorky hipster who thinks cardio and fucking kale are what make a healthy life." He chuckled and I smiled, knowing how much he hates people that don't view health the same way he does. He's the one that got me into the gym. I got a nice booty because of it. Forever grateful for squats. He's the guy that vegans hate though.

"You're gonna meet some pretty blonde cheerleader that wears crop tops and low rise jeans."

"You would castrate me if I condoned such fashion."

We both laughed, making jokes about what would happen when we left. He let me draw shapes on his chest and he played with my fingers with he got bored. "You'll always be my best friend, you know that?" I whispered, intertwining our fingers together.

"You'll always be mine too."

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