Vacation....At Least You Thought

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It was day break of the day of May 24, 2020. I woke up after nothing bad has been going on for the last few weeks and he has been not tired for once
Andrew:Man another great morning
I woke up then I headed over to my dresser to get dressed then went to the bathroom sink to brush my teeth. After that I had plans of going to the Pridelands today to go see the Lion Guard and the others
Andrew:Time to go see the Lion Guard
I also had plans to see Raksha and the other wolves in the Indian jungle
Andrew:Alright here we go
I entered the portal and I started up at Mekundu Cliffs
Andrew:Man it's going to be a long run
I ran over to find the lion guard till I seen them at the watering hole
Kion:You know what I've wondered.....
Fuli:Look who's here
Andrew:Hey everybody it's been awhile what have you been discussing
Bunga:We were discussing where we going for our hike right was that what we were talking about
Andrew:Guys what's going on
Kion:Well first of all we can't go hiking today
Andrew:Kion what happened
Kion:My Dad is missing
Andrew:Did he go somewhere or.....
Kion:Yes he headed off to the Mekilau Mountains but he never came back
Andrew:Don't worry we'll find him lets go
Kion:Wait before you go I'm just telling you there are creatures you have never seen before
Fuli:Kion is right
Beshte:My brother never came back because of he climbed up that mountain
Andrew:Well I'm power ranger and I ain't scared of nothing
Kion:And we are the Lion Guard and we aren't supposed to be scared either let's go
We started heading toward the mountain then started toward the bottom
Andrew:Alright here we go ready
They all shuck their heads no
Andrew:Look we are going together we can do it, it may seem scary but we can do it are you with me
I put my hand in the middle
Bunga:I'm not scared of anything
He put his paw in the middle
Fuli:I can outrun anything
She put her paw in the middle
Beshte:I feel strong as ever
Ono:Its safer in the sky
He put in his wing in
Andrew:Come on Kion you got the roar
Kion:That's true
He put his paw in the middle and we started walking then we heard something
Fuli:Hear something
Kion:Yeah and it's coming out of those bushes
Bunga:Come out always we'll chase you out
?:Don't hurt us we were just scared of you guys
Andrew:Now you look familiar
?:We are the little ponies and we got scared after we saw you
Andrew:See what I tell you no scary creatures
Kion:Did you find a lion going through here
?:Yes we did he headed up to the top then I heard a creature took him
Andrew:Lets go Lion Guard
We kept running toward the top but then we heard them talking,.....
?:Wait come back we've got a surprise for the lion
The 2 flying ponies patted him on the. Ask and said "give him wings" three times the all of a sudden he had big white magical wings that now he can fly
Kion:Whoa this is so cool what can I do
?:Now you can fly like a bird or like us just bigger wings
?:Good luck
He started flying and we were walking
Andrew:Wow you guys see anything up there
Ono:I see a creature nearly at the very top
Andrew:Thanks Ono lets see what this guy did Magical Force Mystic Force
We went up to the top and seen the creature
Ono:Alright he's right there
Kion:I see him
We came up to the top and the creature was in charge mode
Fuli:I got this
She went up to the creature and pounced on it
Kion:Alright where is my father
?:I know nothing
Bunga:She will never let go
?:Who cares
She pounced on the creature even more
Kion:Now you'll talk
?:Okay okay I was heading up towards this top and it looked like one of those mountain lions so I went to fight it and now he's in my cave
Kion:Can you take us to him
He took us to his cave and then he saw Simba chained
Simba:Don't it's a trap
?:You got that right
Andrew:Alright nobody nobody traps us Magical Force Mystic Force
He turned into THE MASTER!
Andrew:No way Lega.....
?:You'll need this
Andrew:Legendary Mode
He attacked with all he's got and almost closed me out
Andrew:I can do this Legendary Battle Mode.....Legendary Final Strike
I almost destroyed
Andrew:Legendary Golden Howl
?:No I'll get you someday
He was destroyed and we escaped the cave alive
Bunga:Can you show me how to do that
Simba:Thanks for coming to save me how'd you know it was him
Kion:Animals keep telling us the same answer
Andrew:Now I can finally get some sleep

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