After Me It Is

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It was the day of April 24 and I was in Neenah almost every day now to make sure the Buddies are okay
Andrew:So what's up Buddies
Budderball:I'm in this bandage for a few days to heal up
Andrew:I know you guys may be mad at me and that's why I'm moving to California
Mudbud:But we are not mad we are just happy we helped
Andrew:Is that true
Rosebud:Yeah our goal is to help anyone in danger and that's exactly what we did
Then all of a sudden I heard something in the bushes
Andrew:Come on out and show yourselves
?:Oh it's not the gold ranger maybe just attack this guy he's no match for us
Andrew:Its not the dog in the fight it's the fight in the dog and you thought wrong
?:Know you thought wrong
Andrew:There are be it Magical Force...Mystic Force...Mystic Gold Ranger
?:You'll never get the gold Rangers powers
Andrew:Legacy Mode
I turned into Legacy Mode
Andrew:Leave buddies I have some business to take care of
?:Your powers will be mine
?:You are going to have to get through us first....Legendary
They went into Legendary Mode
Andrew:Alright let's do this lets see what these powers can really do Wolf Blaster
I used the wolf blaster
Andrew:Claw Blast
I caught some sick stunts with that gun
Andrew:I never knew Claw Striker....Claw Massacre
I did some serious damage with that
Andrew:Alright this is it....Golden Claw Strike
I took out everything but the monster
?:Lets combine all our powers together
Andrew:Lets do it
?:Final strike
Andrew:Golden Howl
We combined our powers and we destroyed that monster then we powered down
?:So you must be the gold ranger
?:Well I'm Xander, and this is Vida, Chip, Madison, and Nick
Andrew:Hi I'm Andrew and I'm the gold ranger
Nick:We were wondering though will you help us
Andrew:I can't I have no place to stay
Xander:I'll give somewhere to stay
Andrew:And besides even if the master does come I'll be right there because the Earth will never be his and besides if a strong monster does show up call me and I'll be there in a jiffy
Nick:And you can promise that
Nick:Well we have to get back where we belong so we do have to leave
Andrew:See ya guys later
They left for Bridgewood and I sat back and relaxed
Buddies:That was amazing
Andrew:Now I've got an idea to see Captain Megasis again

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