Chapter 3

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This chapter took sweat, tears (lots and lots of them), and blood to write. 

You better be happy. 

It's even really long. 

Please like it. 

I'm sorry I know it's crappy. 

I hate this fanfiction. 

Whatever, you guys seem to like it. 

Dedicated to @societyisntready because I love her and she helped me keep going. 

Special thanks to @youthandbeauty for suggesting what to do- I literally listened to exactly what you said and it helped so much, thank you thank you thank you please do it again thank you. 

Please vote. 

idk even know why

but for every vote, I'll give you a free cookie and a hug 

that sounds nice, aye? 

love you 





Leo was uncontrollably infatuated with the emo boy walking next to him.

Nico was just so interesting. Leo had simply just looked down from the top of the stairs at the boy, who subsequently ran a block away into a lawn just because… he felt like it? Then he had eye-conversed with Leo and they had listened to Brittany’s incredibly awkward and inhumanly long speech.

And now, they were all just walking. It was nice, really, to be able to breathe real air. Leo spent lots of time trapped inside of his (always different) room, in some car, or on the run and living in sewers- his face rarely welcomed genuine sunlight.

It seemed as if Nico didn’t get much sun either, as he was very pale and sick-looking. Closer up, Nico was even skinnier, which Leo hadn’t thought as possible beforehand.

As they reached the house, Brittany smiles nervously at them but let them in. She didn’t say anything, so all three of them awkwardly stood in the entry way.

“Nico, go put your bags upstairs. Leo you can stay with me,” Brittany broke the silence. Nico didn’t even give a weak smile and pulled up his bags from the floor and head upstairs. Leo wondered what he thought about having Leo as a roommate. Probably not anything good… he had originally run away at the sight of Leo.

Brittany’s feet carried her to the kitchen and Leo followed, hoping that she wouldn’t talk to him about something weird. Or that they were going to have an ‘adult conversation’. Nope nope nope.

“Hey Leo,” the woman smiled warmly, “I’m sorry about all this. Everything. But, when I saw your papers, you seemed like a totally disaster. But I’ve only met you for a little bit now, and I like you a lot.”

Leo smiled awkwardly and glanced at the clock on the wall.

“Hah, okay. You seem pretty cool, too. Do you have any sort of wood in your garage by chance?” Leo asked as if it was the most normal thing for a foster kid’s first question. Brittany’s eyes widened and eyebrows raised, yet shook her head sadly.

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