Chapter 1

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            “Piper Lynn Kline, you are going to this camp weather you like it or not!  End of discussion.”  That, ladies and gentleman, was my witch of a mother.  Knowing that she had made her point very clear, she spun around, and stomped out of the room.  Her overpowering perfume left a trail behind her.  She thinks she has so much power over me!  Yesterday, we got a letter in the mail.  It said that I was invited to stay the summer at a camp somewhere in Northern Minnesota.  It came, right out of the blue.  Personally, I think it is a huge scam my mother made up to get rid of me.  It’s the classic “Send a mysterious letter to your daughter, inviting her to a non-existent summer camp.  Drop her off at the “camp” and let her die there.  Then, when people ask where she is, just say that she never returned from camp.”  It is the perfect plan, but I’m not falling for it.  How could I, it’s not real, you can even tell by the name, “Camp Eagle.”  All I know is that I will do everything I can to not go.

            Eventually, the day came, June 7th.  I put up a great fight.  The sight wasn’t the prettiest though, a 13 year-old girl biting, clawing, and screaming.  The rush of adrenaline was pulsing through me.  My mother was breaking, but it would take a lot more to stop her.  Like a fish, I was flailing around, not knowing what I was even doing.  A grunt came from my mother.  Finally, she was losing!


              My mind exploded, I gave up the fight and crumpled to the ground.  Shocks were running through me.  The pain was just as bad as all the other times.  When my vision finally cleared I cocked my head up.  Standing defiantly above me she stood, Taser in hand.  That was the only reason she won.  “You are going to that camp!”  Spit from her scream landed on my head.  I didn’t want to feel the pain again, so I gave in and decided to go to “Camp”.  My survival skills are pretty good, hopefully, I wouldn’t die.

             The drive took 5 hours, I sat perfectly still the whole time.    We were well into the middle of nowhere when we approached a shinnying sign.  The metallic lettering said-

                                                         Welcome to Camp Eagle

                                                 The Summer Camp of Your Dreams

                                                                 Have Fun!

          Honestly, I didn’t think my mother would make it this realistic; she is a very lazy person.  For instance, she once stayed on the couch for 10 days!  I had to do everything for her.  She even made me change her bed pan because she didn’t want to get up to use the restroom.  Now, I am starting to think this is a real camp after all.  But why did she force me to come then?

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