The Good and Bad Girl Plan

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“Nobody's life ever goes according to plan.
So why do we keep on planning?
Because that's how we know who we are.
By what we intend to be.
By what we try to become.
And fail. I don't say 'fail'.
I saw we aim and miss. But we still hit something.”
-- Orson Scott Card, Treasure Box


The night was starting to close, the sky turning a deep and ravishing purple. Above the stars started to loose glow, giving way to lighter shades of blue sky, but Isabel yawned anyways as she looked longingly toward the east, where she was hoping to see the sun rise. It would note her of a new day. She then frowned a little, watching the stars continue to fade. She rubbed her hand down her arm then up again as she shifted her glance back down. In the quietness like this, she often let her mind wonder.

Dropping her hand from her arm she touched the edge of the sidewalk, letting her bare fingers dance along the rough edges. She dazed out for a moment, wandering aimlessly in thought, but she sighed softly and brought her gaze back up soon afterward. Her lips frowned a little. Isabel curled her fingers feeling cold against her skin. Rubbing her eyes with her fists, she opened her mouth and took in a breath of cold air and yawned again. Isabel scoffed and shook her head.

Just then she rolled her eyes, seeing the bus turning the corner. She would have taken her car but her older sister had taken it with her to the 'mall' as she had claimed this morning. Knowing Anne, she was probably at the bar or at some party at this time. Isabel slowly stood up and yawned again. She rubbed her arms again, trying to heat them up.

She stepped back, her heels clicking against the pavement, as the bus slowly stopped in front of her. The doors swished open and Isabel climbed the three steps into the bus. It was noisy. She cringed and moved to the side, barely dodging a paper ball. She walked down the aisle, trying to find an empty seat.

On her way, she smiled and waved at a few people. Many of them mentioning for her to sit next to them. Finally she slowly lowered herself next to a girl name Veronica. She was in her cheerleading squad. Veronica raised her eyebrow in questioning.

"Since when do you ride the bus?" She asked.

"Since my sister took my car," Isabel replied. She really hated when Anne did this to her. Just took of with her car or sometimes her clothes and would be gone for hours, sometimes days.

Isabel was in her senior year and she was going to work as hard as can. This was the year that mattered the most. She was heading to college next year and she wanted everything to be perfect. She crossed her legs and sat up straighter.

Isabel always did what was right. She always followed the rules, never got into any trouble. She would always take the safe side, never go beyond that. However, her sister Anne was a complete opposite. Isabel sometimes wondered if they were really related.

Not just because of their complete opposite personalities, but of their physical appearance. Isabel had long, wavy dirty blonde hair and grey-green eyes. Anne had long, curly midnight black hair and blue eyes. They were so different and Isabel couldn't remember the last time they had ever spent any quality time together.

After Anne graduated two years ago from high school and decided not to go to college 'at the moment', she was always out partying. Isabel sometimes wondered why Anne didn't plan ahead like she did. Isabel always spends her weekends at home studying, reading or sometimes helping at the home shelter for community service even though she already had many hours completed.

Isabel glanced out the window as the bus came to a stop in front of their school. Students were crowding the doors and others were sprawled on the grass in groups. Isabel pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose and descended down the bus.

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