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Paradox: - A seemingly absurd or contradictory statement or proposition which when investigated may prove to be well founded or true: Oxford Dictionary        

It was decreed that those peoples known as the Anildar, despite the curses and profanities of the outlanders, those outcasts and obscenities who would destroy all that was good in the universe, that the said race, despite its fallen status and diminished numbers, deprived of the gift of procreation, would be given a blessing no other mortal race could ever possess. This great gift would grant to those remaining, the rite of passage through the Paradox known as the Portals of Transcendence. This blessing would bestow on them the gift of immortality within the confines of this finite universe.

Second Chapter of the Book of Life, the Invar Chronicles.

 It was prophesised by the Aphals that with the defilement of the Elvanol Paradox, the Furies would spew forth from the Achos Spiral to wreak havoc in the galaxies.

Extract from the Invar Chronicles Prophesies


 Semiantor Quilley sped down the dusty, winding corridor carrying an armful of books, tapes, discs and micro mem cells. He burst into the room just as the tottering tower of volumes and sundry items succumbed to gravity, scattering several of the publications and files across the desk of the old Invar seated there.

 “What in the name of ....”

 Derenby Penn was interrupted by his young apprentice: “But Master Penn I think I have found the files relating to the early Anildar Enigma and the creation of the Final Elvanol Solution”

 The Invar rose from his chair and helped his young companion pick up the fallen objects, laying them on a larger table alongside the wall. This scene was played out in Derenby’s study deep in the vaults of the Library Moon.

 “Well my young apprentice, enlighten me please, if only to explain your untimely and disruptive entrance, not to mention your enigmatic opening statement.”

 The young Invar spoke hesitantly now, stung somewhat by his master’s sarcasm and a little uncertain as he struggled to explain his enthusiastic entrance.

 “I have found a prophesy in the data banks of the Achos Spiral archives that might be relevant to our current concerns about the disruption in the continuum in that region of the Beta Antaeus galaxy”

 “And what pray is this nugget of information that excites you to the level of something approaching the very chaos you are trying to explain?”

 “Well master, I can’t verify the origin, date or authenticity of this prophesy, except that it appears to be of Aphal origin.”

 Derenby’s attention was immediately seized by that one word, Aphal. Now he was completely focussed on his young student’s words. The Aphals were an ancient race of seers, lost and forgotten in the passage of events leading to these modern days, although as Derenby knew quite well, still a relevant force even in cynical times.

 “Well it’s just a sentence that appears in the description of the Spiral’s equilibrium, er..., it seems to suggest that evil will only be released from the last region of the Spiral, if good is cast in its place. Sounds like some kind of balancing equation do you think, maybe?”

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