Chapter 7

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Brandon's POV
After what felt like hours Sean and bob returned with injections to drug us first went Ross followed by  Wiktoria then finally me , once drugged everything went black . I regained consciousness in a different room which contained everyone including jace ,rachael and Magnus but they were in a poorer state with open wounds and defence marks littered all over their bodies. The first person to notice I was awake was Ross who looked at me with worried eyes and that is when I realised that Lauren was not in the room . With that I began to panic " where in Tartarus is Lauren " I bellowed , this gave me everyone's attention except Jace's but he was the one to answer me " they took her " he whispered, " which one of the bastards took her " I barked. This made jace snap his head in my direction so for the first time since I have gained consciousness. In his eyes I could a broken man , his eyes were glazed and like he was about to shatter into a million little pieces. Before I could speak another word the door was pulled up and an unconscious Lauren was thrown in with her legs and wrists bound by rope . We all looked on in horror see if she'll wake up soon . The only person in reach of her was Jace who was frozen to the spot in fear .

Jace's POV
I had my knees against my chest as my gaze was Locked on Lauren's still body a few feet away from me . I personally believed that if I don't move and that if I think it's not really then it isn't really that I'm only imagining the whole thing , why couldn't it have been a normal midterm that I could of spent with her and my friends . I had everything planed out I even had ...... my thoughts were interrupted by rachael who snapped me out of my trance but shouting " you have been staring at her for the past 40 minutes, will you please see if she is still alive for all our sakes as it is killing me.. I mean us waiting for the answer" she growled. I moved slowly as I felt everyone's eyes on me as I reached over to Lauren. As I slowly shuffled I must have crossed the line with Brandon as he snapped at me " for god sakes jace move it , you are wasting time that could be used to save her if needed " . I knelt down beside her and lifted her head into my lap to try and diagnosis what was wrong , as I inspected her neck I could see it was littered with love bites which met they had tried or had raped her . This fueled my anger but I wasn't the time . I slowly glided my hand to her neck to try and find a pulse. My hands were constantly shaking and that made it almost impossible to find a heart beat wish had almost made me lose hope, but out of nowhere I found a weak pulse which denied all negative thoughts, she was still alive but needed help .

Rachael's POV
After what felt like hours maybe even days of waiting Lauren regained consciousness in jace's arms while he slept.  This got everyone's attention as Lauren was the only one not chained to a wall her wrists and legs were bound by thick rope " so now I'm officially pissed " Lauren growled she shuffled over to where the chains were screwed into the wall . There was an abrasive piece of worn sharp metal which could be used to get out of the tight ropes . After many failed attempts the rope worn down then snapped taking a sharp shard of metal with it . Lauren slided the shard across the floor to me on the far side of the room as she continued to untie herself. I picked up the shard and inspected it just as Lauren laughed " no need to be modest today , show off and get out of those locks . " all I could do was laugh when I took the shard and with that picked the locks on the chains before I knew it I was after picking the lock off of half of the people in the room while Lauren got the others. We all came together in the centre of the room to formulate a plan for our escape. Once we heard the footsteps coming from the halls we knew we had to put our plan into action. We all went back to the spots that we were supposed to be chained to and loosely wrapped the chains wrists not to draw attention to ourselves just yet , Sean and bob walked in without any suspicion. Bob walked over to wiki and Sean walked over Lauren who was pretending to still be unconscious he paved around he then decided to kick at her the first time she kept still but after many more hits she began to fight back which caused brandon and jace to become enraged and lash out at Sean . Suddenly three gunshots were heard from the door which showed Sebastian and his rifle in hand , I glanced around but was met with the sight of a extremely still Magnus in the corner of the room and Ross who was clucking his shoulder. I ran over to my fallen friend to see if they were still alive but sadly found no pulse . This caused anger to grow inside me which made me lash out on bob who was the closest to me with the help of  Wiki and Brandon made a dash for Sebastian to tackle him while Lauren and jace had Sean . Once everyone was satisfied the the three were out cold they made a run for it to escape the hell that they were trapped in . After hours of running around in circles through maze like halls , they came up to a door which was lacked exit , once they pushed through the doors they were met with an unpleasant surprise. Standing in front of them was the terrible three loaded with multiple guns and weapons.

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