please, tommy | thomas

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(sorry if you were triggered by the title... anyway, enjoy!)

You sat by the side of Thomas's bed in the medical hut, he'd been stung by the Grievers and he had been asleep for days. You'd stayed by his side everyday just in case he woke up, even Minho and Newt had visited their best friend but they had to look after the gladers so they couldn't stay.

Reaching over you took hold of his hand as you waited patiently for the boy you loved to wake up.

He seemed to stir and his eyes opened widely, he looked over and saw you, you smiled immediately but he didn't return the facial expression. Instead he glared at you and sat up quickly.

"It was you, you did this to us." He growled as he stood up, towering over you. You scrambled out of your seat and away from him.

"Me? What did I do?" You asked as your voice shook, something was wrong.

"You put us in the maze, this experiment." His eyes flickered over yours as you stepped back from him.

"I didn't, Thomas... this is just the poison talking." You tried to assure him but he shook his head, the veins in his neck bulged as he became angry.

"I saw it, y/n... in here," He tapped his head, "you did this to all of us."

You shook your head, "I didn't, Thomas, you have to believe me."

"That's the thing, y/n... I don't trust you." Suddenly something seemed to make him snap and he lunged towards you wrapping his hands around your neck.

A group of gladers gathered outside of the hut and watched as he tried to strangle you, Minho and Newt wrestled their way to the front and stood by.

"Please, Tommy... stop, this isn't you." You choked out, your voice was hoarse as his hands wrapped tighter making it difficult to breath.

You tried to push him off of you but Newt was already grabbing Thomas along with Minho.

You gasped as he released his hands from your neck, you rubbed your neck as you took deep breaths, your whole body shaking. Newt looked at you sympathetically, knowing how much Thomas meant to you.

Minho managed to restrain Thomas just long enough for Newt to inject him with a needle to make him calm. They placed Thomas back on the bed as his body slumped over, his eyes closing.

"Are you okay?" Newt asked, placing a hand on your shoulder.

"I think so, I don't know what happened." You said, your voice still shaking.

"It's the Griever sting... it makes you see things, don't worry about it." Newt gave you a small smile before leaving with Minho.

Later that night you were sat by his bed again, you were slightly wary of him now but there was no way you'd ever leave him.

Your eyes began to close, you curled up on the chair as your mind began to relax.

Thomas woke up in the early hours of the morning, he rolled over and saw someone sitting by his bed. He rubbed his eyes until he could see clearly, "y-y/n?" He stuttered, slightly groggy from the injection the day before.

As soon as you heard his voice your eyes shot open, "Tommy?"

"Y/n." He smiled, attempting to sit up slowly.

You immediately rushed to him and wrapped your arms around him, his hands ran through your hair soothingly.

When you pulled away his eyes widened as he noticed the purple marks around your neck, then it suddenly dawned on him that he was the reason for them, "did I...?"

You nodded, "but it wasn't you, I'm okay, I promise."

He smiled sadly before patting the space next to him, you lay down as he wrapped his arms around you, "I'm so sorry." He mumbled.

"It's okay, I forgive you." You sighed as you rested your head on his chest.

He pressed his lips against your forehead slowly, "you know I love you, right?"

You nodded, "I love you too, Tommy."


I hope this was okay! If I haven't done your request yet don't worry I'm working through them, and if you have a request don't be afraid to ask :)

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