pool party | dylan

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The sun beat down on you as you lay on your sun bed, inside was too hot and outside was slightly cooler. Suddenly your phone beeped and you were snapped out of your daze, you squinted your eyes to see that it was a text from your co-star, Dylan.

Dylan: Hey y/n! I'm having a few friends around for a pool party since we're all dying of the heat, wanna come?

You smile as you read the text, thankful for a way to cool down.

Y/n: On my way :)

Meanwhile, Dylan's friend, Tyler, was busy putting drinks into an ice cooler.

"Is she coming?" Tyler asked curiously.

Dylan grinned, "yep."

The corners of Tyler's lips curled into a smirk as he knew just how bad he was crushing on you, "so are you gonna tell her?"

"Why would I tell her? I can't, it'd ruin our friendship." Dylan sighed.

"Well if you don't tell her you'll never know." Tyler shrugged, taking the ice cooler outside.

"Just help me get the place ready before they come over." Dylan muttered as he took the trash out and tidied up.

Tyler heard the doorbell first and opened the door to reveal Shelley, Holland and Dylan Sprayberry in their swim wear.

"Hey, Ty!" Shelley hugged him as the others walked inside, going through Dylan's house and making their way to his pool in the backyard.

Soon everyone was outside and lounging on the sun beds as Tyler and Shelley splashed each other in the pool to cool down. You were the last to arrive because you lived further away, you were wearing a bikini with denim shorts. Ringing the doorbell you stood outside of Dylan's house clutching your towel. Suddenly the door swung open revealing a shirtless Dylan with a huge grin on his face, "hey, y/n!"

"Hey, Dyl." You smiled as he stepped aside to let you walk in. You followed him through to his backyard where everyone else was lounging around or in the pool.

"Y/n!" They exclaimed as they saw you following behind Dylan.

"Hey guys!" You said as you placed your towel down on the spare sun bed next to where Dylan sat down.

You sat down and took off your flip flops and shoved them underneath the bed. A shadow appeared next to you and you looked up to see a dripping Tyler stood besides your bed, "y/n! fancy a swim?"

You glanced at Dylan, he smiled lopsidedly, "sure." You nodded as you got up and slowly took your shorts off, Dylan couldn't help but stare at you as you did.

He quickly averted his gaze when you turned around, "you coming, Dyl?"

"Mmm..." he hummed, deciding.

"Please." You pouted.

"Alright." He smirked, standing up and wandering over to his pool.

You sat on the edge of the pool and dipped your feet in slowly, "that feels so good," You sighed, until Tyler cannonballed into the pool next to you and soaked you, "Tyler!" You squealed.

He emerged from the pool and shrugged exaggeratedly, "sorry, y/n." He joked.

Dylan sat next to you, chuckling slightly, you glared at him, "you think it's funny?"

"Not at all." He tried to keep a straight face before bursting out laughing.

You traced your hand in the water and quickly splashed him, "hey!" He yelled.

"Not so funny now is it?" You laughed before slipping into the water and submerging yourself before bobbing back up above the water. Dylan hopped into the pool and emerged next to you, soon you were trying to stay afloat next to him.

Dylan reached up slowly and tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear, "thanks." You blushed slightly.

Dylan noticed that everyone had gone inside and he remained quiet as he plucked up the courage to tell you how he felt, "y/n..." he whispered.

"Mm?" You murmured slightly.

"I really like you." He blurted out suddenly.

You opened your mouth slightly in shock, "oh."

Dylan looked down at the pool water as he thought he'd made a mistake in telling you but you leaned towards him and pressed your lips against his, he pulled away after a few moments and looked into your eyes, "I really like you too, Dyl." You smiled before attaching your lips to his again, he pulled you closer to him in the water and spun you around slowly.

Tyler, Holland, Shelley and Dylan Sprayberry were watching from inside the kitchen. Tyler couldn't help but fangirl when Dylan made his move, "my ship has sailed." He whispered to himself as Shelley giggled besides him.

You and Dylan were holding onto each other as you stayed afloat in the pool, his hands roamed over your back slowly as you ran your fingers through his hair that was stuck to his forehead, making him look extremely attractive.

Both of you had completely forgotten about everyone else as Dylan's lips travelled down your neck, that was until Tyler interrupted you both by jumping back into the pool making you both jump apart.

"I'm super happy for you guys but it's actually sickening seeing you so loved up so I had to do something for the sake of my insanity." Tyler said dramatically before the others joined him by getting into the pool.

"Congrats guys!" Holland cheered as her best friends finally got together.

Everyone spent the rest of the afternoon chilling in the pool, splashing each other and making jokes.

Dylan couldn't take his eyes off of you the entire time as he watched you as you talked to Shelley and Holland at the far end of the pool as they talked about boys, especially Dylan.

"So you finally got the girl, huh?" Tyler nudged him.

"I guess I did." Dylan grinned.


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