First Day in Rikkai

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Rei went to her first day of class with her green-blue hair tied in a high ponytail. Her violet cat eyes sharply searched for her classroom, "1-A, where is 1-A?" she muttered.

"Ah there it is," she entered the classroom.

In class, she made some friends named Ayaka, Rina and Mei. Soon classes went by in a breeze and it was finally time for club activities.

"Rei-chan, what club will you go to?" Ayaka asked her.

"Oh I plan to join the tennis club, I heard this school was the national champions last year. I want to be a regular and play for the team."

"But isn't the tennis club full of male regulars? It would probably be hard for you to be selected," Rina interjected.

"We shall see. Ok girls, what clubs do you plan to join?"

"The three of us will be joining the flower arranging club. You should join us there," Mei replied.

"Oh, I see, flower arrangement, eh? But I really want to play tennis. I went to Rikkadai just for tennis," Rei answered.

"Oh well, we'll cheer for you if you ever become a regular!" Ayaka said.

"See you Rei-chan, be careful not to get hurt!" Rina said.

"Thanks for your concern girls! See ya!"


Rei entered the tennis club registration room and heard whispers. "Oh great another girl. I bet she's just a fan of our senpais."

"Isn't it fine? That girl's pretty cute."

"When will we have girls who take tennis seriously?"

Rei ignored the whispers and went to the line. Soon enough, she was asked her name by a gentle-voiced man with short wavy blue hair and green headband around his forehead.

"Echizen Rei, 1st year," she replied nonchalantly.

"My name is Yukimura Seiichi, the captain of Rikkai's tennis team."

When Rei heard that, her eyes burned and she said, "You must be really strong then, please spar with me when you have the time."

Yukimura chuckled and said, "Ok. When there is time. Exit at the back and you will see the tennis training facility. For now, you can go there. If you pass, you go to the boys' courts on your right when you exit. If not, you have to go to the girls' courts on the other side."

Rei didn't move and asked, "How will we be evaluated?"

Yukimura replied, "You just need to return the tennis balls coming at you from pitching machines."

"Alright then, thanks captain!" Rei walked briskly towards the exit.

Yukimura chuckled and muttered, "What a refreshing girl." Up until now, most girls were not interested in being evaluated and just wanted to be close to their tennis idols even for just a while but this girl really seemed interested in tennis. She even asked to spar him.


Rei soon found the line where most boys and girls would try to return the balls pitched at them from fast-pitching machines. Rei evaluated the speed coolly and estimated that this was at a higher speed than normal.

'That's the national champions for you,' Rei thought. The screening test to be considered part of the boys' tennis team is higher than normal.

Soon it was her turn and she returned the balls easily. The representative said "Pass! Please exit on the right," and said, "Next!"

Rei calmly exited right and upon entering the tennis courts she heard murmurs. "Are you serious? There's a girl who went here!" "Maybe she's lost?" "But she's really cute." "Quick someone approach her and ask if she took the wrong turn."

Rei sighed and continued walking. She noticed there weren't any girls and most of the boys in the tennis courts looked capable. She wondered when she'd be able to play tennis.

She was stopped from her thoughts when she heard someone say out loud, "Eh? There's a girl here? Are you serious?" That person approached her and said, "Hey! Hey! Little girl! Are you not lost? What are you doing here?"

Rei turned around and saw a black-seaweed haired guy, startling green cat-like eyes with a smirk on his face. She ignored the little girl jibe and replied calmly, "I'm not lost. I passed the test."

"Heh! That's interesting! Hey Sanada fuku-buchou. There's a girl who passed the test!" The seaweed-haired guy said to a man with a black cap and a stoic expression.

"I can see it clearly Akaya. Go back to training!" said Sanada. Sanada turned around and faced Rei, "I'm Sanada the vice-captain, nice to meet you."

"Echizen Rei, 1st year, same here."

"Eh? That's not fair vice-captain, introducing yourself before me. What's this fuku-buchou, laying on the moves early, I didn't know this was your type," Akaya teased.

Sanada sighed and an angry mark appeared on his forehead, "That was just a greeting Akaya. Now, go back to training."

Kirihara ignored Sanada and said, "Kirihara Akaya, Rikkai's junior ace, nice to meet you. Hey, are you strong?"

"Wanna test it out?" Rei asked while smirking.

"Hey fuku-buchou can we spar? Let's think of it as my practice session." Kirihara pleaded to Sanada. Rei just looked at Sanada.

'Hmm.. fighting with Akaya might frighten this girl from tennis' Sanada thought. "NO! Now go back to training!"

"Stingy!" Kirihara said. "See you later Rei-chan!"

'R-Rei-chan.. this senpai is the get-close-to-you-easily type huh' Rei thought.

Sanada turned to Rei and said, "First years do setting up nets and ball fetching. Also, you'll be doing basic training for now."

Rei felt disappointed that she was not able to spar Kirihara but she lightly nodded her head and said, "Ok."

Rei ignored the murmurs around her and went back to the group of new recruits. After a while, Yukimura stood in front of them and said, "Welcome to the three-year national champions Rikkai Daigaku Fuzokuchu Tennis Club. Seeing as you passed the test, you all have a chance to become regulars in the intra-school ranking competition - that is if you can beat the regulars right now. Try your best and go do some light hitting of the balls for now."

"YEAH!!" the crowd cheered.

Rei wondered if she should play with someone but soon she found a wall to play tennis on so she opted to do that.

Her first day of school ended with no further incidents.

Princess of Rikkai (Prince of Tennis Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora