Good Day

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Kara heard a shot ring out and she saw Alex drop dead on the ground. "You killed her!" She screamed.

"Of course I killed her," Lillian said, "You wouldn't do as we wished."

Kara felt hot tears fall down her cheeks. "You killed her." She whispered.

"Now," Lilian said, "You will kill Superman."

"No," Kara whispered.

"I don't have super hearing, girl," Lillian replied with a sigh, "Speak up."

"I said no." Kara said a little louder this time, "I won't kill anyone."

"Then he will die," Lilian said yanking Mon-El into the room.

"Please don't," Kara pleaded tears falling freely from her eyes, "I beg you, please don't kill him."

"Kill Superman," Lillian said.

"I can't do that." Kara whimpered.

Lilian raised the gun to Mon-El's head, "One,"

"Please don't," Kara cried.


"Kara," Mon-El said, "I love you."


"I'll do it!" Kara yelled, her yell stopping Lilian from shooting Mon-El, "Please don't kill him. I'll kill Superman."

"Good," Lilian said curtly before nodding to Jeremiah to let her go, "Now go kill Superman."


The Black Mold covered Kara's body completely. Winn watched as Jeremiah and Alex set up the equipment needed to help Kara. Jeremiah was limping slightly, he kept insisting that he was fine, but even Winn could tell that he was in pain.

He sighed before calling Lyra. The phone rang three times before she answered.

Hello? She said.

"Hey," Winn replied.

Hello, Winn. Is everything alright? Lyra asked.

"Kara got hurt and I just need to hear a kind voice," Winn said.

What happened? She asked.

"She got shot with something, and we're not sure if she will survive," Winn replied.

Well, I'm always here for you, Winn.

"It's good to hear that." Winn said as he saw J'onn waving for him to come over to him, "I have to go."

Goodbye, Winn, I hope your day gets better.

"Me too."

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