Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

HIIRU SMILED as she looks at the food that she prepared. A sashimi which is actually a Japanese delicacy consisting of very fresh raw meat that she patiently sliced into thin pieces and Sou's favorite. She really hopes he will like it.

She puts it in a clean tupperware and she happily went to her room. She's going to change her clothes because she needs to be pretty when she's going to face Sou.

And as she changes her clothes, she can't help but to feel excited on what will Sou's reaction when she face her later.

She just hopes that everything will go well for her later.

After cleaning herself and all of the preparations, she went to her house kitchen and take the tupperware with sashimi in it with her.

She visits Buddy who's now having a rest and went out of her house. She locked the house's front door before leaving.

She walks through her neighbour's doorstep and as she takes each of those steps, she can feel her heart beats three times faster than the usual.

And as she faced the front door of Sou's house, she heaved a deep sigh before knocking.

After knocking three times, she waited patiently for someone to open the door. When did not heard any movements inside the house, she was about to knock again when the door suddenly opens and Sou's charming face was the first thing that she saw.

"Oh! Neighbour! What a surprise!" Sou said with a happy expression in his face.

Sou's happy face multiplies the beating rate of her heart. Even though she tried to control it, she just can't. Maybe her heart really loves to pound every time she's witnessing Sou's face.

"Eh? What's that?"

She was focusing in controlling her hear when she heard Sou said those words and then she realizes what was her purpose earlier that she decide to went in Sou's place.

She saw that Sou was pointing into her hands. She unconsciously looked at to where Sou's finger is pointing and she snapped out of her thoughts when saw the tupperware that she was holding that has sashimi in it.

"Oh! I almost forgot. Hai!" She said and she handed the tupperware to Sou. "Please take this sashimi as my thanks to your kindness earlier. I made that one so I'd make sure that it's safe and clean."

Sou took the tupperware from her hands and said, "Wow! You really made this for me? Arigatou~"

She smiles on what Sou's reaction to her small gift. She doesn't expected that giving her ichiban a gift would be this exciting and most importantly, having that satisfied smile in his face really touched her heart. Maybe, her idea bringing Sou a sashimi is a good plan in winning his heart. After all, the best way into man's heart is through his stomach.

She stared at how satisfied and excited Sou is when he opened the tupperware.


Her gaze went inside Sou house when she heard voices of guys that screamed. Sou also gazed at his back to see what she's looking at. And then suddenly, she saw four dazzling, handsome and sexy prince charming walking near to her and Sou's direction.

"Matsu-kun, what's happening?"

Her eyes went to the person who spoke. And her eyes twinkled to see that it was Kento Nakajima—the leader of the group called Sexy Zone.


She looked at the next person who spoke and she saw that it was Fuma Kikuchi.

Fuma cut-off his own words the time he looked at her. Fuma went near to them and gave her a sexy smirk.

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