Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

HIIRU SMILED as she inhales the cold and fresh air of Shizuoka. Her first night in here was not that bad. Good thing she has Buddy—her Maltese dog with her when she sleeps.

She wanted to give a gift to Sou but it seems like, he went home that's why she didn't have a chance to see her charming and captivating ichiban—Sou Matsushima.

She changed her clothes and went outside for a jog. It's always been here habit to have a jog every morning with her buddy—Buddy.

She gets Buddy's leash and puts it in her dog's collar. She runs outside her house and before leaving, she locked her house. It's what Yuuri told her—that she should lock her house whether she's inside or outside it.

Before she transferred in Shizuoka yesterday, Yuuri has a lot of precautions and rules for her. While Yuuri accompanied her to her new house, Yuuri didn't get tired of letting her remember the rules that she needs to do for her safety.

She even didn't felt mad at Yuuri because she knew that Yuuri was just doing her best to remind her of her safety. After all, she was the one whom her parents trusted her safety.

She plugs her earphone in her phone and puts the earphones on both of her ears. She selects the playlist that she made for Sexy Zone's song only. She swiped her phone and select Sou's solo song which is entitled BYAKUYA.

After settling her needs she jogs ahead and she doesn't know on where she will go. She's actually new on that place but she scanned the surroundings while they're on their way to her new house. She seems to remember the pathway that she's taking. So, she's definitely sure that she's not yet lost. She just have to be careful on what way she is taking.

After thirty minutes, she felt tired and thirsty. So, she went strolling the street even though she doesn't know where she is right now. But she badly needs water so; she needs to find a store that sells one.

She keeps on walking on an unfamiliar street just to find a store but she finds herself in a park. There's a few number of people in there and she smiled when she saw a store near it.

She immediately went at it and get inside. She immediately finds water and bought it. Good thing she brought cash on her pocket.

Yuuri told her that if she's really determined to have an average-profile girl, she should not use credit cards, debit cards or anything that the cashier swipes whenever she's buying things for herself. Yuuri said to her that she needs to learn how to handle cash and yen where most probably, she's not really getting her change anymore when she pays.

She was hesitant when the lady in the cashier gives her the change. She want to say that she should keep it but Yuuri's reminders to her keeps on bugging her mind.

In the end, she accepts it with a smile. Yuuri was right. If she wants to win Sou heart and being an average-profile will win him over, then she should practice those small things starting now. So that in the future, it will just come out naturally to her.

She really needs to adjust a lot if she really wants this. And this will never be easy to her, knowing that this life is much more farther than what her usual life is. And she is just doing all of these things for Sou.

Whenever she feels tired, she just remind herself that at the end of this sacrifice, she will be able to be with Sou and that she will have Sou's heart will make her feel better. Sou has been her energy and life that's why she needs to work really. And a rejection cannot stop her for doing what she thinks is right. This is for the sake of her happiness and completeness.

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