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What plan?

I looked at him confused and shocked.

"So sorry sweetheart as much as I would just want to sink my teeth in that sweet neck of yours, tearing at that precious skin." He leaned closer to my face, staring right into my eyes.

"Droplets of your sweet, delicious blood, connecting with my tongue, satisfying my every hunger, I can't."

His cold rough fingers lightly brushed against my neck, causing me to flinch at his touch.

"I intimidate you, I know I do." He whispered deeply.

My eyes glanced over to his as I noticed he had a smirk on his face.

"You can act tough all you want, but I know deep inside your scared shitless."

I wanted to say something back so bad but I just wanted this moment to end, and for him to let me go.

A minute went by of silence and I heard him exhale loudly.

"See nothing to say now, do you?" He questioned getting closer to my face.

"Just take me back to my room please." I softly mumbled.

"Oh no, your coming with me now."

Before I could even think he grabbed one of my wrist and walked me  down the hallway.

"Let go of me!" I argued pulling my hand away from his but it didn't work.

He stayed silent as he continued pulling me down the hallway.


We arrived at a door that lead to a room that was familiar to me.

It was a huge room.

My eyes glanced over to the spot when I first came in this room and met this horrible "boss guy".

Interrupting my thoughts he told me to go sit down and don't move.

As command I did what he said.

I know this isnt like me, to follow orders and not say anything smart back but I just didn't want to deal with him any more.

He frightens me, as hard as it is to admit it, he does and he knows that he does.

I glanced over to his appearance as he stood there talking to a guard.

I noticed when he talkes he doesn't look them in the eyes, and he talks with his hands.

But he looked me in the eyes.

Those dark emerald green eyes, that felt like when they are looking at you, that their looking into your soul.

His hair was more on the straight side today then the other times his hair was more curly/wavy.

I looked down at my clothes, they were all dirty and ripped.

I can't even tell you how long I been in these clothes, I probably look like a mess.

My eyes glanced back over at him when I heard the name Jacob come out of his mouth.

"Go get Jacob and bring him here." I heard him say to the guard.

My eyes quickly moved to the ground infront of me when I saw him turning around and walking back towards me.

"I want to know how did you get out of your room?"

Shit. Shit. Shit.

My mind was racing with excuses to say but none that were good enough.

"Look at me." He growled loudly.

My eyes looked up at his, as he stood infront of me.

"How did you escape your room?" He asked, my eyes looking away from him.

"Eyes on me!" He demanded.

His dark green eyes stared down at me.

Like he was predator and I was his prey.

"I... I..um."

"Did your brothers help you, or Liam!"

"No I did it all by myself." I said standing up, continuing to look him in the eyes.

The same grin, that's been on his face for the last couple minutes didn't change.

"Doesn't matter who helped you." He paused.

"Your brothers are dead."

Mine (Harry Styles Fanfic 2017)Where stories live. Discover now