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All rights go to the amazing mind that is Cassandra Clare for all the characters in this story.

Clary's POV

I woke to the sound of my alarm. I reached over and stopped the noise. I laid back against the bed again and gave a sigh. This was it. Today we would either kill the Fur or it would kill me. So one way or the other, it would be over. I got up from the bed and showered before getting changed, ready for what was to come. I walked out of the door and down to the library. As I walked inside, Hodge was already at his desk. I closed the door behind me and walked inside. Neither of us spoke as I sat down on the chair next to him. We looked at each other. "You ready for this?" He asked.

"Don't think I have a choice in the matter."

"I know." He said, sadly. I smiled.

"The way I see it, I should be happy." Hodge looked up at me, telling me to go on. "All I'm saying is that, I have had a good life. So, if the worst happens, I won't have too many regrets." I thought about Jace as I said it. The way I had spoken to him. What I had said to him. And I didn't regret it, because even thought it was painful for a moment, it would save him some pain after I'm gone. At least I hoped.

"Don't talk like that." Hodge said as he reached over, putting his hand on my arm. "The main word in that sentence was 'if'. If the worst happens. We are going to be fine. And soon, all this will just be background. A memory we can move past and forget."

"I hope you're right." As I said it, the door to the library opened and the others walked through. They all came down the steps and over to us. Hodge and I both stood up and walked around the front of the desk. I sat down at one of the sofa's in front of the table as Hodge leant against it, facing us. We all settled as we looked up at Hodge.

"This is it. The day we knew was coming. And I think we have been lucky to have this long. Lucky we had the time to get ready for this fight. But we can't wait any longer. It's time to do this." He took a sharp sigh as he stood up straighter. "I don't know how this is going to end or what will happen when the Fur gets here but when it does, we have to be ready for it. And I don't mean with weapons or a plan. I mean in state of mind. You have to have faith this will go right. And if we go down, then we will go down fighting. With dignity and honor. Till the end."

"Till the end." Jace agreed. We all nodded. I stood up from my seat and faced everyone.

"I just wanted to tell you all, before this starts, how grateful I am at how you have all helped me. Ever since we met. Getting me out of the asylum and helping me prepare for today. And I also want to take this moment to say that if anybody wants out, now is the chance. You have come so far to help me already. I would completely understand." I said, looking at them all. Isabelle stood up and walked to me. She took a hold of my hands, looking straight at me.

"Clary. You're family now. We're with you. Till the end." She said, repeating Hodge's words. I nodded with a smile.

"Then it's time." Everyone began rushing around, getting everything ready. Weapons for attack. The Kala Namak for defence. We planned to trap it inside the room, so even if it gets me, it won't be able to escape. And then Jace would keep his promise. I looked over to him, he was helping Alec with something. I walked over. I tapped his arm and he turned to me. "Can I talk to you?" He gave a swift nod before following me over to the other side of the room. We began blocking off the side entrance.

"What is it?" He asked, his face neutral as mine was.

"I just wanted to remind you of your promise." He looked up, as if surprised that was what I wanted to speak of. But the look was gone as quickly as it appeared.

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