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All rights go to the amazing mind that is Cassandra Clare for all the characters in this story. This carries on straight from last chapter. Just as a WARNING, there will be STRONG and GRAPHIC scenes in this chapter. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Clary's POV

I sighed to myself. "Aww, poor baby." I heard Rose say as we watched Jace go. I turned, seeing her standing right beside me.

"Shut up." I said.

"Touchy." She said. "So, tell me then." I looked up at her with a frown. "Tell me why you didn't say it. Cause anyone with two eyes can see it. You love him, right?"

"It's more complicated than that." I said as we walked back inside the shop. She turned and looked at me sceptically.

"How is it complicated? I think you just scared to say it."

"It's not that." I said as I watched her fiddling with some things on her counter. She looked up at me, telling me to go on. I sighed lightly as I played with the chain around my neck. "Well, with the fur wanting to kill me, I might not be here that much longer. My thought process was that it's better to have him not thinking he loved me if I die. It would be more painful if I said it then got myself killed." She looked up properly.

"Don't talk like that. Knowing you, you have a plan. You'll be fine." I looked at her. "You'll be fine, right?" I paused for a moment.

"One problem at a time." I said. She nodded.

"Anyway, lets get on with this." She made me follow her behind the counter and into a back room of the shop. "Lay down." Rose said as she pointed at a table in the middle of the room. I walked to the table and sat on top before laying down. Rose walked back over and began placing candles all around my body. Once she was done, I watched her pick up this purple crystal hanging on a chain. Rose stood beside me and lifted the crystal over my body as she began a sort of chant in latin. After a few moments she pulled the crystal away.

"That was quick." I stated. Rose walked around and began blowing the candles out. I sat up looking at her.

"Yeah, well I know someone definitely did this to you." She said. "I can sense it was done with mandrake." I frowned as she turned on the light and began moving the candles away so I could get up.

"Mandrake?" I said, confused. "I thought that was to do with pregnancy?" I said as I got up but rested against the table.

"Well, it usually is. I mean women would used to go to sleep with a mandrake root to try and raise the probability of fertility but the herb has another property. The root contains hyoscine, a powerful alkaloid th-" I cut her off.

"In English please." I said. She rolled her eyes slightly.

"Hyoscine-" She exaggerated. "-has the ability to cause hallucinations." My mouth parted slightly in shock. "In larger doses, even coma. People used to use it as a anesthetic. You know, so they could knock people out for surgeries and stuff."

"So you're saying someone has been giving this stuff to me?" I got worried for a moment, I knew the only person who could be giving me the stuff had to be someone at the institute.

"Not necessarily. It could have just been planted somewhere near you. Which is more likely. It would be somewhere you go a lot. Your home, probably. Your bedroom maybe. If someone had spelled it, just it's presence could make it effect you."

"Holy shit. It must have been the Fur. Or some other demons that work for it. Trying to get me to have hallucinations to make me weak for the fight."

"You need to go home and find it." Rose said. "When you do, burn it." I pushed off the table.

"I will. Thank you, Rose."

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