What The Mess is Jack Wills?

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I woke up and heard the sound of a voice singing "I Want" next door. I laughed and got up. What a coincidence that my iPhone was playing the same song. I turned off my phone and listened to the song first hand through the door as I got dressed. I chose a pair of cut-off shorts and an Aeropostale shirt. I decided to walk downstairs barefoot. Before I began to walk downstairs, I knocked on Niall's door. "Come in." interrupted his song. I went in and told him "Breakfast is gonna be ready soon. So hurry up!" I ran up to him and hugged him before I lost the nerve to do it. I walked downstairs and Niall was right behind me. The rest of the girls were already downstairs. Darren had fixed up some breakfast casserole and had already had it sitting out on the table. The girls had already sat down and had a piece. I took a spot and Niall sat beside me. "How did yall sleep?" I asked everyone except the rest of the boys, who were still in bed. Niall answered with "Fine. Just fine." he said aloud. "Fine knowing that the hottest girl in the world was in the room next to me." he whispered in my ear. My grin spread from ear to ear on my face. The rest of the guys finally headed downstairs and entered the dinning room. Dahlia jumped up and ran to Louis and hugged him. Louis' hands flew up and then he looked down. "Oh! Its you!" His arms flew back down and picked up Dahlia. She smiled and hugged him tighter. Niall's arm wrapped around my waist. I took one look at the boys and said "Go get some real clothes on!" "Yes, mother..." was their reply. Niall was already dressed so he didn't have to go. I just needed to run up and get some shoes on. I could hear chatting downstairs. Where had my shoes gone? I looked under my suitcase and still couldn't find them. I turned around and ran smack into Niall. "Looking for these?" My Converse were hanging from his hand. I reached for them and he pulled them out of my grasp. "Here. I'll give you two dollars for those shoes." "You mean two POUNDS?" "No, two do-. Wow. Yeah two pounds..." "That's what I thought." I forked over the money and got my shoes. "Not like you need more money.." I muttered under my breath. "What?" "Nothing, Niall." He turned to leave and I finished putting my shoes on. I grabbed his shoulder and followed him downstairs. Everybody else was waiting on me. "Let's GO!" Louis called. "Yeah! Lovebirds..." Dahlia added. We ran ahead and I tackled Dahlia. Meanwhile, Niall tackled Louis. "How're we gonna get there?" I looked at my Honda and blinked. "THE S.U.V!" I ran to the garage and opened the door. I grabbed the keys and threw them into the ignition and revved the car. I backed it out and said "Hop in!!" I moved to the back and Harry got into the front seat. "Three rows of seats. Nice." Lou stated. "Uh-oh. This thing needs some petrol!" "Petrol?" I asked feeling really slow. "Uh, in America you'd call it.... What is it, Niall?" "It's gas, Harry." "Yeah! Gas.." Liam asked "Where's the nearest petrol station?" Zayn pulled out his iPhone and checked. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2012 ⏰

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