No Doctor! {Baby Niall}

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Niall ~ Headspace of 3 year old

Zayn - Papa

Louis - Dada

Harry ~ Daddy

Liam ~ Da

Niall woke up this morning in such a chipper mood. He spread out his short little limbs and rubbed his ocean blue eyes, as a little yawn escaped his plump pink lips. He clicked his tongue onto the roof of his mouth a couple times before fully opening his eyes. His door was slightly open, so he could see his Dada trying to tip toe past the room.

"Dada!" He screamed, making grabby hands towards Louis. He sighed before picking the younger lad up, and bouncing him on his hip.

"How's my little Nialler today hmm?" He hummed as he tickled the young one's sides, little giggles erupting from his mouth as he did so. He squirmed and threw his hands all over, having no control over his small form. Unintentionally, he kicked Louis where the son don't shine. He immediately grunted in pain as Harry walked past his door.

"Daddy, Daddy! Dada got boo boo in pwivate pwart." Harry laughed at his boyfriend and gave him a quick kiss to his forehead before taking Niall into his arms. "You've got quite a kick on you little one." Louis managed to get out through his moans and groans. "I wearned (learned) it fwrom you Dada. When you kick da ball into da net." This made Harry laugh as he brought Niall to the changing table. He quickly cleaned him up and tapped a fresh new nappy into his baby powdered bum before bringing him downstairs for his bottle.

Harry placed Niall into his highchair while he warmed up the bottle and began to make some baby food for him. Before the microwave could beep, he took the bottle out and brought over Niall's favorite, Apples and Bananas. He tried to put his son in the best mood possible because he knew it was a dreaded day to come. Niall had to visit the pediatrician today for his shot, and worst of all, Harry and Lou had to go by themselves. Sadly, Liam and Zayn had work and wouldn't be back til later.

After Niall finished up his food, Harry got him dressed into a race car onesie, brushed his teeth, and combed his extremely soft hair before he brought him back downstairs where Zayn and Liam were just about to head off to work. "NiNi baby can Papa and Da have a kiss and hug goodbye?" Niall frowned, he hated when they left for work, so Niall did the only thing he could think of at the time. He latched onto one of Liam's legs, and one of Zayn's before letting out a blood curdling scream.

"No Papa! No Da! No leave NiNi. You make NiNi very sad when you weave." He looked up with pleading eyes, begging for them to stay. Liam crouched down so he was eye level with Niall. "Aw boo, we miss you too darling, but we have to work so we can get you some food, and god knows how much you love your food." It was true, Niall was like a human vacuum, he'd eat anything in sight. He sadly nodded, and let go of both their legs. "We'll be back before you know it baby cakes!" and with that, they were gone.

"Louis! Hurry up would ya? We have to get you know who to you know where!" He heard a grunt from upstairs. "I'm coming, I'm coming!" Sure enough less than ten seconds later, he was downstairs and ready to head out the door. Niall looked around, confused at to where they were going. "Where we going daddy? Oh my gwosh! Are we goin to gwandma's?" He nearly squealed. Harry chuckled while shaking his head. "Sorry love, not today." This made a pout appear on Niall's face. He sat there in his car seat the hold ride to the doctors, arms crossed and lip in a deep scowl.

In a matter of minutes, they reacted the doctor and Louis pulled Niall out of his car seat and carried him in. Luckily, the doctor knew about the boys doing ageplay, so they weren't phased by a twenty year old dressed like a baby walking through the door. "We're here for Niall Horan. I believe we had a 10:40 time slot?" Louis said as more of a question. The nurse clicked a few buttons, before smiling back up at them. "Yes, I have you guys down for 10:40 as you said. If you could just take a seat in the waiting room, the doctor will call you in shortly." "Thanks." Harry said to the kind woman before they all sat down.

Louis let Niall walk around, but soon regretted it as he started to play with the toy trucks they had layed out that were contaminated with germs. Louis took action by pulling his son away. "No no Ni don't play with those. Their dirty." Niall gruffed in annoyance at Louis but complied and played 'Flappy Birds' on his Daddy's phone before the doctor called them in. Harry placed their baby on the table and a few moments later, a doctor came in with a needle which made Niall's eyes go wide in fear.

"No needle! No needle! Me scwared Dada! Daddy pwease no!" He screamed and curled up into a little ball on the crunchy paper. Harry rubbed his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. "Don't worry bub. It only hurts for a itty little bit." Niall still shook his head which made Harry sigh. "I'll make a deal with you ok? If your good when you get the shot, Dada and I will take you to 'Toys R Us' and you could pick out a stuffy. Sound good?" Niall nodded eagerly. "Dada hold NiNi pwease?" Louis smiled and pulled his son into his lap. He squinted his eyes, and before he knew it, he was done.

"I did it Dada! Daddy did you see me? I was a big boy!"

"Yes I saw. Good job buddie! Now let's go get you that stuffy I promised."

They went to 'Toys R Us' where Niall picked out the most adorable little turtle stuffy you'd ever seen. He decided to name it Bubbles, because he liked to blow Bubbles underwater, just like he did in the bath as he explained to his Daddy and Dada. When they got home, Niall told his Papa and Da about how he was a big boy for the doctor. "I didn't cwy (cry) once!" He giggled in pride. "Papa and I are so proud of you!" Zayn and Liam hugged him as Louis and Harry cooed. "Okay Larry is joining this hug!" Louis declared. They all had a big group hug, and afterwards Zayn made Niall a bottle before they popped in 'Finding Nemo'. Niall's eyes started drooping as he nuzzled into Bubbles and fell asleep. Zayn kissed his forehead and smiled. "I love our family."

Hi :) hope you liked it. I'm absolutely worn out so I think I'm gonna go to sleep, it's really late. Remember, prompts are open for you guys so feel free to leave them in the comments! ~ Madison

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