His Everything

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It was no doubt in tony's mind that she was his everything. Ziva David. The most perfect woman in the world. Her soft brown waves. Her olive-tan skin. Her perfectly shaped face, not to mention perfectly shaped-


Tony startled at his desk, being knocked back into the now with a single shout. Gibbs and McGee were staring at him.

"Uh, um.. yeah, I got nothing. Sorry, I zoned out." They continued. Afterwards, gibbs walked over to Tony.

"Everything okay, dinozzo?"

Tony looked into gibbs' eyes. He knew he couldn't get away with a lie, but if Gibbs knew that Tony's only thought was to be with ziva, it wouldn't go so well. So he lied, "Yeah. Everything's fine."

Gibbs' voice changed. "Tony."

Tony knew by the calling of his first name, that Gibbs was looking at him like he was gibbs' son. Tony stared at his computer.

"I'm okay, boss."

Without another word, gibbs walked away. Tony let out a huge breath. He glanced over to Ziva's old desk. It sat, unoccupied. It looked so bare and alone.

All of the sudden, Boom! A box dropped on it. A lively, young girl bounce-walked to Tony. "Howdy! I'm your new teammate!"


"Boss, she can't take that desk!" Tony yelled at Gibbs.

"Director's orders, DiNozzo."

"That's zi-" Tony caught himself. He couldn't believe that he was almost tearing up. He cleared his throat and talked low. "You know as well as I do that it isn't her desk to sit at."

Gibbs raised an eyebrow. "Unless you are suggesting to find a way to fill it, it's where she stays."

Tony looked around. "Fine. I'll fill it. Just give me 3 months."

Gibbs narrowed his eyes. He wanted to know what. Tony pleaded not to tell him with his own eyes, but in a silent manner, Gibbs stood his ground.

Tony sighed. "I'm going to fly to Israel and bring ziva back. She belongs here."

Gibbs stayed silent, expecting more. "Why?" He asked after a bit.

Tony huffed. Gibbs was not making this easy. Before he knew it, he blurted it out.

"Because I love her!"

There it was. The secret he'd kept in his mind. The secret that he told himself was a lie so many times, he was nearly numb. The one secret that governed his life. And he let it go.

To his surprise, gibbs wasn't. Tony could almost see a smile spread across his lips. He turned and walked away.

"3 months," He said.

And with those two words, tony practically flew home. Only to get on the soonest flight and fly to Israel.

He wasn't coming back alone.

He was coming back with His Everything.

<end of part one. I hope you liked it. Please comment below what you think!

This shouldn't be a long story. Maybe 10 chapters. But it'll hopefully please you.>

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