Chapter 04

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I gave out my cousin's phone number coz i
had no choice.
Me: here are mine, i had a nice time walking
with you.
Rachel: (smiles, kissing my left cheek) you are
amazing and handsome.
Me: *blushes* ahhh i got to go (i walked away
as quickly as i could.
When i reached home i went straight to my
room threw myself on the bed.
What a day i had oh gosh, now my life is going
I didn't know when i fall asleep but i woke up
when someone shaking me.
Me: hmmmm??
Cousin: you have been sleeping for a long time
are you okay? (looking suspicious)
Me: *rubbing my eyes* im fine i was just tired
what time is it?
Cousin: 8 pm
Me: really?
Cousin: yes now come lets go eat.
We ate our dinner then i went back to sleep,
didn't even bath was so tired i borrowed my
cousin her phone lying that, i wanted to set
the alarm coz i wanted to go somewhere
tomorrow. I saved Rachel's no. then i flashed
After that i fall asleep right away. Then the
ringtone woke me up(can't one sleep
peacefully nkt)
Me: Hello (sleepy voice)
Caller: hey sleepy head it's already 7 am.
Me: it's Saturday can't you see *annoyed*
Racheal: (chuckles) enhe you are angry or
what, you gave me a flash back yesterday
night, that's why i decided to call you.
Me: oooh, it's you?Racheal! Sorry..didn't
know..thought it was someone else.
Rachel: mmh oky, what do you say?
Me: be ready at 10..and oh i'll be coming see
you bye.
So since i was already woken up i got off the
bed i made it up then went to freshen up after
that i made breakfast for everyone put it all in
the warmer.
I wasn't hungry and everybody was still
sleeping so i started cleaning then i went to
take a bath, scratched my hair. Took out a
white t-shirt, dark jeans and white Allstar.
Gosh i looked pretty hot.
My cousin walks in while i was preparing
myself. She asked for her phone and i gave it
to her.
Cousin: going somwhere?
Me: mmh i'm not sure yet.
Cousin: okay tell me in time coz mum and i
are going to see granny today.
Me: okay, i made breakfast for you guys it's in
the warmer.
Cousin: wow cool, you now becoming a good
boy, let me go eat then (as she stands up)

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