Chapter 03

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I wasn't gonna follow them coz that was none
of my business afterall i had a strong crush on that girl but i had to respect her relationship with the guy,
trust me i hate his stinky attitude it sucks big
time but i ain't gonna be the cause of their
break up, even if i loved her dearly.
After what happened earlier i started asking
myself unanswered quiz; why did i....why did i
tell the guy all that.... I was so confused didn't
even understand what i was reading from the
All my mind were on Racheal; she will now be
scared....of me and maybe...she'll never talk to
me again...what did i do...what, what!
(hitting my head with my hands)
all those quizs were flooding into my mind.
In the evening i saw her coming my way, my
mind just popped out, i pretended not to have
seen her scent. (is she mad at me?)
She stopped and without expectation, she told
me that she's going home and wanted me to
walk her home. I wasn't gonna reject the offer
even if i'd be busy i can never reject what she
asks me.
We got to her street corner still in silence...i
tried to talk but my voice never came out...i
forced myself mixing my shyness and fear
together, so i decided to break the silence.
Me: i..i...i know you are thinking bad of
me...that am a bad guy for what i said earlier
to your boyfriend, but it...
Racheal: (eyes wide open) what? Boyfriend?
What boyfriend, he ain't my boyfriend.
Me: hmmm (nodding) but why did he react
that way if he isn't (flashing a smile).
Racheal: (acting serious) no, he was...but he's
Me: you mean, you broke up? Then why? Huh.
Racheal: he did something awful to me thats
why...hey! You ask too much.
Me: aah sorry then, was just worried about
Rachel: hehe worried? Why?
Me: nothing just worried.
Racheal: ooh oky anyway, i've reached my
home, thanks you are a nice guy. Do you mind
if we exchange phone no.?
Me: (looking nervous) yea..sure yes we can.
Even if i knew i didn't have a phone i accepted
her no. Wah! I gave her my cousin's no. coz i
had no choice...

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