Chapter Fifteen

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Logan called everyone once he got back to the hospital. They were all taken by surprise and of course, I was right. Katie was angry with him for waiting so long to call her, but I told her it had been a very eventful morning and to give him a break. She calmed down and said she would come and see me after she got off work. The General told Logan if he needed to take some time off, he understood, but I refused to let him sit here with me all day. There was no reason he couldn't work during the day and that's exactly what I told them.

Helen was a different story. She wasn't really scared about my health or Julianna's, for that matter, she was afraid that she wouldn't make it in time for the delivery. Logan kept reminding her that there was no plan to deliver Julianna yet. They wanted her to stay exactly where she was for as long as possible but Helen kept insisting that I would deliver early, especially since I had already gone into labor once before. She told us she was canceling all her plans and that she and Alex would be flying out by the next evening.

That night, Logan spent the night with me, just as he had said he would. I felt better when he was with me. I didn't like hospitals, never had, but I knew for Julianna's sake, I had to stay here. Granted, I didn't like the idea at first, but now, it didn't seem so bad. As long as I had Logan, I didn't care if we were home or not. Home was wherever he was and right now, it just happened to be in a hospital room.

The next morning I woke up around six. A nurse was quietly examining Julianna's heartbeat. I waited until she slipped out the door before I moved around a bit. I turned over and watched Logan sleep a few more minutes before waking him. "Logan? You better get going if you're going to work." I nudged him as his eyes fluttered open.

"The General said I didn't have to go, remember?" He says, rubbing his eyes.

"And I said you needed to go. Just because I'm here, doesn't mean you can't work. There's nothing wrong, so you should go do whatever it is you do." I add.

He smiles and looks at me, "Whatever it is I do, huh?"

"Well, I don't really know what your day consists of..."

"Meetings. Phone calls. Lunch. Fitness tests. More meetings..."

I shrug, "That's lovely, now, go get ready."

He groans, "Why can't I just go tomorrow? I'd rather stay with you."

"I'm sure you would and I wouldn't complain, but your soldiers need their Captain. Now, go get ready. I'll be fine here. Probably read some books I haven't had the chance to get to." I give him a reassuring smile.

"Fine, but I'm coming straight back as soon as I get finished and I'll probably text you every hour to see what you're up to. Promise you'll reply?"

"I promise." He reluctantly gets out of bed, grabs his suitcase, and walks off to the bathroom. While he's getting ready, I flip on the television and watch the local news. Once I was bored of it, I flip through the guide until I found a movie I liked. I click on 13 Going On 30 and watch patiently. I've watched this a thousand times, but it just never seemed to get old.

Within a half an hour, Logan came back into the room, in uniform, and threw his suitcase back in the corner. He walked over to me and kissed me goodbye, "See you this afternoon. Don't have too much fun without me." He smirks before walking away.

"Logan?" I yell after him.

He looks back, "OREO blizzard or Butterfinger?"

I smile, he always knows what I'm going to say, "I think Julianna wants Butterfinger this time... Yep, that's what she wants."

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