Chapter Seven

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I sat there for about fifteen minutes before I felt my cell phone vibrating in my pocket. It was a text message from Katie, asking how Logan was doing. I didn't bother to text back, instead, I just called. "Hey, so how's everything going?"

"If I ask you something, will you promise to be absolutely honest with me, no matter what?" I ask, taking a deep breath.

"Of course, Caroline, what's wrong? Have you been crying?"

"When we got home from the airport, Logan was tired and slept for a while. Helen and Alex went and got a hotel room earlier and decided to stay there until they fly back to California. So, when Logan got up, I told him where they went and he seemed fine. Actually, he wanted to go up to the nursery and see what we'd bought for the baby. As we were looking through the stuff, the phone rang, and I went downstairs to answer it. It was the General, he asked how Logan was doing and all I said was, 'He seems like Logan to me...' I swear, Katie, that's all I said! When I turned around, Logan was there and he got so angry with me, he told me that I was talking behind his back."

"What? Did he talk to the General?"

"Yeah, he wanted to tell Logan that they're having a ceremony tomorrow morning for the families of the soldiers that were killed."

"Did he say anything to him?"

"Yeah, he told him if he wanted to know how he was doing to ask him directly... After he got off the phone, Logan asked me why I seemed so nervous around him and asked if I believed he was developing PTSD. That's when he told me I was talking behind his back..."

"So, he just yelled at you?"

"Well, yeah... He kind of threw a flower vase across the living room and knocked Nick's honorary flag off the mantle..."

"Oh my, did it damage it?"

"Broke the frame, but the flag's fine. Here's my issue, I've been sitting outside for about twenty minutes now and I keep arguing with myself about whether or not I should go back in there..."

"Seriously, Caroline? If Logan was that angry, I wouldn't go back, especially by yourself. Who knows what he could do."

"I know, but I kind of feel like I was to blame for the incident... I might have raised my voice a little in the argument..."

"Good God, Caroline, you're pregnant! Of course, you're going to raise your voice! If he's going to start throwing things every time you get a little defensive, he'll break everything in your house by the time you give birth. He might even hurt you. Why don't you come stay with me tonight and give Logan time to calm down?"

"That's the problem. I have a hard time believing that he would ever hurt me. He kind of killed someone to save me once before, ya know?"

"Yes, but that was the old Logan... How do we know he's still there? Remember, you have to protect yourself and the baby now. You're responsible for her too."

"I know, Katie, you aren't making this any easier."

"I'm just trying to look out for you, that's all. I'll be waiting for you..." I slide the phone back into my pocket as I sit there, trying to get my thoughts together... I had to think about my baby right now... I had to do what was best for her.

Maybe, just for tonight, I should stay with Katie. What would it hurt? I mean, Logan needs time to himself and I don't think I would get any sleep tonight anyway...

Now, for the hard part. I stood up and dusted myself off as I headed back toward the house. How was I going to do this? I felt like I was betraying him... Betraying our marriage.

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