Chater Five

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Her hand was soft, very soft. It felt fragile in mine, like I was holding a plate I didn't want to break.

Her smile was wide too, showing her bright, white teeth. She had on dark red lipstick and brown eyeshadow. Her outfit was very reviling, a white shirt that made her breaths pop out and shorts that were very short. She had a lot of bracelets on her right arm and a necklace that had a feather on it.

"Can- can I buy you a drink?" I asked.

Her face lit up, even brighter then before, and she nodded.

It was a stretch, but I couldn't help myself. She was sucking me in. 

We talked for a long time, and drank. She asked me all kinds of questions about dancing and working with Worant. I asked her about her job as a marine biologist. I was surprised when I found out what Glenn did, but then again I didn't have a clue what she did. I didn't have a vibe from her.

We hit the point in a conversation that's just about whatever. I found out she liked crosswords, and had books filled with finished ones.

I told her I liked Spanish soap operas. It's weird, I can't understand what they're saying but I get gripped into the plot line.

We had started dancing after about an hour of nonstop talking. I wouldn't call it dancing, more like swaying.

Glenn said she could never take up dancing. It was more of something she liked watching. I told her I could teach her one time if she wanted, and regretted it soon after. I started assuming things, I can't get my hopes up for someone whose just happy they met a 'celebrity'.

I did notice a lot about the way she got instantly happy when she found out we had down thing in common. The way she would snap her fingers to the beat of a completely different song then the one that was playing. I liked her, a lot.

I noticed how she kept wanting to drink. If I was in my right state of mind I would have realized but I just thought she was being nice.

I was proud of myself, for getting out and not spending the night alone on my room, with my thoughts. The only other people I had ever acted this way with was Julio and Marcia. They have seen me be happy and laugh and talk a lot, and I liked it. That's just not who I was with everyone. Glenn made me feel how I feel with Julio and Marcia.

The conversation kept pouring out of us and the drinks kept coming. I hadn't realized that Marcia and Julio never showed up. I hadn't even checked my phone in forever.

Glenn went to the bathroom. I took out my phone to three missed calls fork Julio and one from Marcia. I had texts from both of them that said "can't make it out really sorry". I'd tell them tomorrow it was fine.


I could see the light through my closed eyes. I threw my hand over my face and let out a deep breath.

I sat up looked at my clock. 7:34 am. Great. I have less then thirty minutes to make it to rehearsal.

Then the headache hit. "Shit," I whispered. I had to find some pain killers. Looks like I was missing breakfast today.

Then I realized I was wearing my bra and underwear, just my bra and underwear. I never sleep in just my bra and underwear .

I sat back down on the bed and ran my fingers through my hair.

The bathroom door opened and outcome a girl with crazy green hair, a white shirt with shorts that made her look like she wanted people to stare.


She smiled. "Hope you dorm mind I used your bathroom."

I didn't respond.

"You okay?" She asked, sitting next to me.

"Did we..." I trailed off.

"Have sex yes. I really hope you dorm think I took advantage of you because I really didn't. It just kind of all happened at once and oh god are you even gay?" She was talking really fast.

I nodded. "Yeah but I thought you were trying to get me into bed by buying all those drinks?"

"Well no we were just having so much fun I got out of hand. No, this happened fast."

I nodded again. "How exactly did it happen?"

She shrugged. "I don't remember much but I do remember it being fast. I have to go but I left my number in your kitchen. You don't have to call but I mean I'm always there if you want to," Glenn got up and grabbed her purse and walked out.

I sighed," well you were right about one thing," I said out loud.

After getting ready for dance as fast as I could I looked at the note on my kitchen table, it just had a number on it and a little G in the right corner.

I couldn't do anything right now so I ran to Julio's room and knocke don the door.

"Where have you been I've been calling for ten minutes?" He opened the door.

"I'll explain it to you late but we have to go," I said and grabbed his hand.

We got to my car and I started the engine.

"What the hell Gamets you've never been late to a rehearsal?" Julio said.

I sighed. "Well you know how I went out last night. Well I met someone, a fan and her and I started talking. We hooked up," I cut to the chase fast.

Julio stared at me. "ARE YOU SERIOUS? Oh my God Bri this is amazing, this is a huge step up for you oh I'm so happy you went out!"

I gave him a puzzled look. "I hooked up with a random stranger and you're happy?"

"Yes! Did she give you her number? Are you going to call her?"

I smiled at how happy he was. "I don't know maybe."

"Maybe? MAYBE? You have to you could have a girlfriend!"

"She's a fan she probably just liked the idea of me not me ya know?"

"Yeah but you spent all night talking to her," Julio smirked.

"I was drunk I dorm remember half the shit I said!"

"Well, I think you should call her."

I rolled my eyes but smiled, and started driving.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2017 ⏰

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