Chapter Four

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March Third came fast.

I had all my dances down to a point, and the group dance just needed one more lesson and we'd be all set.

I was driving up to New York with Julio and Marcia. Marcia came to all the shows no matter where they were, even when Worlds was outside of the United States.

We loaded up my car with old CDs of 80's pop music and food. The three of us had a specialty of listening to cheesy music and eating horrible foods on road trips.

After about an hour of driving ANS singing, we made a pit stop for gas and such.

Worant always offers to get us a coach bus to take to the competition, but all the families want to go so the dancers end up going with them. My family was meeting us there, and Julio's older brother was coming. His name is Paco and I've meet him quiet a few times. He's Julio's favorite sibling.

We switched driving after the pit stop. Julio started driving, which meant it was my time to use the phone charger.

I called up my mom to see how she was doing on the journey to New York.

"Hi sweetly," my moms soft voice answered.

"Hey mama. How's the trip coming?"

"You're father's been driving the whole time, bless him. You'll have to help us out finding the hotel."

"Will do. See you there. Bye," I hung up and saw Julio smiling at me in the rear view mirror.

"What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You're moms the best," he said.

"Preach," Marcia laughed. "So Bri have you seen six am girl lately?"

"Huh? Ah no. She hasn't been around." I muttered.

"I keep telling her to go and talk to her but, she just shrugs me off," Julio looked at me in the mirror.

I rolled my eyes at him. I don't know why I didn't just run out of my car one morning and say "hey you wanna go out sometime?" Maybe the reason was that I was so inside my own brain that the idea of it scared me. Or maybe it was the fact that I was worried she'd get mad taht I have dance everyday.

The real reason I didn't do it was because I didn't even know her name let alone her sexuality.

"What time is Paco gonna be there?" Marcia asked Julio.

"A couple hours after us."

"Is he still dating that girl, what was her name, you know the dog sitter?" I asked.

"Stella? No they broke up long ago. Paco's with this girl named Isabella now. She's a foot doctor. Nice step up from dog sitter."

I laughed. Paco was what one would call, a fuckboy. He jumped around from girl to girl, every so often he'd be single for a short period, but he's be back in the game in no time.

Granted I have never met one of Paco's girlfriends but they seem to really fall for his charm. Julio says he over sells himself a lot, and some of the stories of girls he's obeen with are fake. I find him very interesting to listen too.


We got to New York sooner then expected. I gave my parents the directions to the hotel.

After we all checked in, I followed Marcia and Julio up to their room. They got a room together, which left me alone on own room. I didn't mind however because they are dating and I would hate to be trouble to them.

I slid my key card into the slot and the door opened. I pushed it open and dragged my suitcase in.

The first thing I saw was the bathroom to my right. There was white towels laid out fresh for me near the shower. I put my suitcase on the one bed and saw there was a television in front of it. There were some chairs around and three big windows on the wall, but no balcony.

I opened my suitcase and rummaged through it. Taking out what I think I would need for the night and leaving it open.

Worant rented a studio to use for the days we are here. We had to be at the studio by 8 am tomorrow.

"The night it yours," he said.

I hung out with Julio and Marcia for a little while. We just stayed in the hotel room and played cards for a few hours. Paco showed up just when I was going to see my parents. We said hello and I slipped out of the room before being trapped in a conversation.

It was already 7 by the time I got back to my hotel room. I had eaten a bit with my parents and I wants to up for an actual meal. I took a quick shower and put on q pair of skinny jeans and a black tank top with some boots. I threw my black hair up in a messy bun and knocked on Julio's door.

"I'm going out to the bar a few blocks down, wanna come?"

"We'll meet you there later," I heard Marcia say.

"Kay. Text me when you're going." And I walked away.

I wasn't a big drinker, I actually never drank but I wasn't feeling to good today and thought I needed a pick me up.

When I walked down the street, some people did double takes. A few took pictures of me like a photographer thinking I wouldn't notice.

I'd gotten used to the casual attention over the past few years, it's not like anyone was getting paid to take pictures. It was one of those things where they'd show their friends and say something like "look who I saw".

I opened the door to the bar and slide inside, hoping to avoid any eye contact. I sat at the bar, next to a girl who had crazy green hair. She seemed to be on her third beer and was watching the basketball game closely.

The bartender came over to me and asked what I wanted. I answered, noticing the girl glance over. When she did she got tense and when the bartender walked away, she turned to face me.

"This might sound really weird but, are you Bri Gamets?"

Her eyes looked curious but filled with hope.

"Yeah..." I said.

Her smile got big and she got a look of relief on her face.

"Oh my God, okay so first I'm not a stalker and second I've been to like lol of your competition for three year and uhm, I've been trying to meet you but I never got a chance to and oh lord this is my chance okay, will you autograph this napkin?"

She grabbed her napkin and pulled out a pen from her purse.

"Uh yeah sure," I will admit I was a little caught off guard. I always though my popularity was just, "oh she's a good dancer". I didn't expect to see a fan on the street.

I signed the napkin and gave he ether pen back. She smile again, somehow wider.

"Thank you, oh how much?"

"Nothing it's free."

Her eyes sparkled. "I'm Glenn by the way."

She held out her hand.

"Well you already know who I am," I said and took it.

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